Tag: Price Increase

California Crush Report

Most consumers are well aware of how impacted they are by inflation — and each industry that has to explain why its prices have gone up has a slightly different explanation. Whether it’s supply chain issues, trucking problems, delays at sea, raw material shortages or labor issues, none are the only reasons. Several explanations apply…

Kansas Fed Chief Warns Policymakers to Be on Guard for Rising Inflation Expectations

Kansas City Federal Reserve President Esther George on Wednesday struck a cautionary note about consumers’ expectations for further price increases, urging policymakers to monitor inflation expectations carefully as they mull dialing back the Fed’s extraordinary support measures for the economy. U.S. consumers are much more aware of inflation levels today than they have been over…

Major Banks Expect Australian Property Boom to Continue

Australia’s major banks are forecasting the nation’s property boom to continue under the auspices of strong economic rebound and ultra-low interest rates. The accelerating post-COVID-19 price rise is largely driven by owner-occupier purchasers and reflects supply lagging behind the shifting demand. The CEOs of four major banks all signalled an optimistic outlook on the house…