Tag: Passive Income

The 6 Biggest Mistakes in Creating Multiple Income Streams

It’s likely that you have one primary source of income—just like most people. It’s fine to have a single source of income. It can, however, be dangerous as well. How would you cope if your primary source of income dried up, or your job was lost? That’s exactly what happened in the aftermath of the…

How to Change Your Money Mindset in 2023, According to This Couple Who Paid Off More Than $100,000 in Debt

By Amanda Breen It was 2017, the year before they got married, when Ali and Josh Lupo took a serious look at their finances—and realized they owed more than $100,000 in student loans. Despite working long, hard hours in human services, the couple was still living paycheck-to-paycheck, unsure how they’d afford a wedding or pay…

5 Passive Wealth-Building Strategies to Add 3 Days to Your Weekend

Many people associate work with punching the clock, the 9-to-5 slog, and saving for retirement. The trouble is, an hourly rate alone will never make you wealthy and drains your most precious resource: time. Fortunately, you have alternative strategies. Unfortunately, you’ve probably never heard about them, as they’re usually reserved for the super-rich. Multimillionaire entrepreneur, angel investor…

99 Passive Business and Income Ideas

What does your mind conjure up when you hear passive income? Is it relaxing on the beach sipping on a freshening beverage while making money? Or, if you’re not a fan of sand, is it making money while jet setting across the world, hiking, playing with your kids, or even when you’re sleeping? While not exactly…

Why You Need Passive Income and How to Get It

Are you familiar with the cartoonist Carl Barks? He may not be a household name. But, I’m sure you’re familiar with his work since he was the first artist and writer of Donald Duck—he also created Scrooge McDuck. Known as the “Good Duck Artist,” Barks was one of the few early Disney artists who didn’t…

Dividend Passive Income: How to Make $1,000 per Month

Would you like to have an extra $1,000 per month? Even if you’re a minimalist, I think most of us would jump at this opportunity. And, for a good reason. An extra grand a month could totally transform your life. In addition to paying off financial debt, you could also invest in your retirement or…

Passive Income: Like Finding Money

Passive income is one of the three most recognized types of personal income–joining active income and portfolio income. The word “passive” in this case refers to the relationship between the income and the person receiving it: it is a passive relationship, or one might say that there is very little relationship at all. Unlike active…

11 Passive Income Ideas to Earn an Extra Grand Each Month

What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month? For most of us, this could be a real game-changer. After all, with this influx of extra cash, you could pay off financial debt, purchase a life insurance policy, or invest in your retirement. What’s more, you could finally take that dream vacation, make home…