Tag: good manners

Family Time: Vacation Etiquette for All Ages

Staying with relatives, visiting a theme park or resort, taking a road trip or cruise ship—either planned or impromptu, the best family vacations have some key elements in common. Good behavior leads to great memories. Enjoy Responsibly The main rule of a family vacation is to make sure you and yours aren’t a nuisance to…

Be Nice on the Ice: Skating Etiquette

Spending time on an ice rink or frozen lake can be remarkably invigorating, but it also requires a big helping of courtesy and good manners. Ice Rules One of the most important unwritten rules of skating says that more-seasoned, experienced skaters are expected to do whatever it takes to avoid collisions. When coming up on slower…

Dear Men: Don’t Dress Like Sam Bankman-Fried

Commentary It’s utterly astonishing that so many otherwise intelligent people got taken in by Sam Bankman-Fried, the now disgraced former head of crypto exchange FTX who is still nonetheless invited to speak at a New York Times seminar that costs $2,400 to attend. Part of his supposed appeal was his slovenly dress: t-shirts, cargo shorts,…

The Art of First Impressions: How to Make New Relationships Great

Our parents may have told us, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but the truth is that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Judgments can be formed in as little as three seconds; use that time to “wow!” them. Universal Truths Whether you’re heading to an interview for the…

Mastering Driving Etiquette

Driving is often a solitary pursuit, as you roll along alone with your thoughts or listen to the music. But it’s likely that you are surrounded by other people in their cars, making good manners a must for safety and civility. Pay Attention It’s easy to become oblivious to the world around us as we…

No-Sweat Gym Etiquette

Staying healthy means hitting the gym, where you can get buff and shed stress as you “get in the zone,” but be sure to pack good manners in your gear bag. Be Thoughtful Part of the gym experience is sharing the equipment. If you’ve been on the only rowing machine for 30 minutes and there…

French Parenting Tips Parisians Swear By

A job that is 365 days a year: being a mother is a 24/7 role, filled with teachable moments, rewarding moments, and even some silly moments. Every family operates differently, but there are always a few keys rules of thumb every mother tries to live by. We’ve compiled a list of a few parenting tips…

Kids and Etiquette: As the World Becomes More Impersonal, Manners Become More Important

Adults who have good manners and are respectful of others evolved from children who had the fortune of having a caring adult who served as a role model. Return the favor to the next generation. Teach by Example How you teach your children is just as important as what you teach them. Teaching by example…

How to Be the Perfect Traveler

Travel, whether for business or pleasure, offers opportunities to grow by experiencing new sights and meeting new people. Without realizing it, you leave an impression on all whose paths you cross, so make it a good one. Be There Immerse yourself in the local culture; don’t go to France and eat fast food, or to…

A Peace Maker

We will all confront such a difficult situation in life, but how we react to it matters.