Tag: fossil fuel

Biden Bashes Oil Companies for Going Along with His Plan to ‘End Fossil Fuel’

American fossil fuel companies responded on Wednesday to President Joe Biden’s June 14 letter that accused them of profiteering and driving up gas prices during a “time of war.” Biden’s letter blamed gas prices, which have skyrocketed from $2.53 per gallon when he took office to $5.00 today, on “Putin’s war of aggression” and greedy…

Here Are the Six Financial Institutions West Virginia Says Violate Its Fossil Fuel Anti-Boycott Law

The Epoch Times can name six financial institutions that the West Virginia State Treasurer’s office contacted on June 10 regarding alleged violations of its new law aimed at stopping banks boycotting the energy sector. They are BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bancorp, and Wells Fargo. The treasurer’s office provided the names on…

Here Are the Six Banks West Virginia Says Violate Its Fossil Fuel Anti-Boycott Law

The Epoch Times can name six financial institutions that the West Virginia State Treasurer’s office contacted on June 10 regarding alleged violations of its new law aimed at stopping banks boycotting the energy sector. They are BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bancorp, and Wells Fargo. The treasurer’s office provided the names on…

NTD News Today Full Broadcast (June 13)

Senators announce an agreement on a framework gun control package. The proposal has enough bipartisan support to potentially pass in the Senate. An economist at a top financial firm says the U.S. could’ve mostly avoided inflation, if the Fed had acted sooner. While a former Treasury Secretary warns of a recession on the horizon. West…

West Virginia Notifies Six Banks They May Be Breaking State’s Fossil Fuel Anti-Boycott Law

Six banks have been warned by the West Virginia State Treasury that they may be in violation of a new law preventing the state from doing business with financial institutions boycotting energy companies. The office told The Epoch Times it had sent out letters on June 10, but did not share the banks’ names on…

EXCLUSIVE: West Virginia Notifies Six Banks They May Be Breaking State’s Fossil Fuel Anti-Boycott Law

Six banks have been warned by the West Virginia State Treasury that they may be in violation of a new law preventing the state from doing business with financial institutions boycotting energy companies. The office told The Epoch Times it had sent out letters on June 10, but did not share the banks’ names on…

Fearing Looming Bubble, State Treasurers Square Up Against ESG’s ‘Invisible Fist’

State treasurers spoke out against the imposition of environmental, social and governance (ESG) scoring on public money in a June 8 press conference, with one official comparing it to the social justice-driven push for universal homeownership that helped trigger the Great Recession. “I would be very concerned about investing in green energy right now,” said…

The Silver Lining to Legacy Energy’s ‘Green Death’

Sponsored Content While the clean energy movement appears to be gaining traction across the globe, it nevertheless remains a controversial emergence. Those against the initiatives see it as a usurper of a legacy industry still at the height of its powers, a misguided investment that may end up costing more than it can yield while…

‘No New Investment in Fossil Fuel Expansion’: UN Chief

Antonio Guterres, current head of the United Nations and former president of Socialist International, has asserted there must be “no new investment in fossil fuel expansion” and that private finance must totally divest from coal. “For too long, the financial services sector has enabled the world’s fossil fuel addiction. It is now time for financial…

Domestic Fossil Fuel Production Versus Russian Aggression

Commentary Nobody ever said that being president of the United States is an easy job. Whoever sits in that office has to juggle the competing demands and interests of various constituencies. The political tendency is for a president to make more promises to various societal sub-groups than he can actually do for them. Underneath all…