Tag: Financial planner

11 Ways to Make Financial Planning Easier

Financial planning may be necessary but it’s also notorious for being a decidedly unpleasant experience. For many people, dealing with intimidating life events such as children in college or reaching retirement age, can trigger much emotional or mental stress. Still others may feel overwhelmed as they explore various possible scenarios, challenges, and solutions. Without doubt,…

Millennial Money: 6 Ways to Move out of Your Parents’ House

Nearly a quarter of millennials (22 percent) are living with their parents, and more than half of those living with them (55 percent) made the move in 2022, according to a December survey from PropertyManagement.com. Many said they’re back home due to high rent, money concerns or job losses—and 9 in 10 say they would…

Millennial Money: Rekindle Fizzling Financial Resolutions

Save more, spend less and pay off debt are popular New Year’s resolutions—and perhaps the ones most likely to fall by the wayside a few weeks into the year when reality sets in and expenses derail plans. But an early-in-the-year setback, like paying your health insurance deductible or the credit card bills after a costly…

Millennial Money: Up the Odds of Meeting Money Goals in 2023

With a new year ahead and the holiday fanfare behind, this is a great time to set money goals, especially if you recently spent a lot on gifts and travel and want to get your finances in shape. Right now, you may be highly motivated to solve every single one of your money issues in…

How to Take a Career Break

Back in 2016, Jamie Clark of Seattle was a software engineer who planned to take a year off of work to finish a master’s degree in computational linguistics. One year turned into three and a career change into financial planning. Nowadays, Clark, who uses they/them pronouns, believes the experience makes them a better advisor—particularly since…

What Is Wealth Management?

Most people want their money and possessions to grow. Or at least they want their assets to hold their value. Wealth management helps to do just that. It takes a holistic or integrated approach to manage your overall assets and financial plans. Through a wealth manager, you can review and make decisions to grow your…

Financial Planners and Other Mysteries of Life

I am noticing a growing trend in my mailbox — readers in search of financial planners or advisors. Or assistants. The problem is that when taking in the message’s context it’s pretty clear that not everyone means the same thing when they refer to a financial “planner-advisor-assistant-helper.” One reader wanted to know where to find…

Millennial: How to Prepare Your Finances for a Breakup

Breaking up sucks—even if it’s necessary and you’re better off without them. Emotions loom large and life changes. Your to-do list fills up with loaded logistics, like figuring out who gets the cat or how the heck you’ll afford to live alone. We don’t know what to tell you about the cat, but we can…

5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn’t Saying

When you hire a financial planner, you need to find someone whom you can build a rapport and communicate easily with. In addition, you need to be able to put your trust in them and know that they are going to keep your information confidential. They must be trustworthy because you are essentially putting your…