Category: spending cuts

Former Pentagon Intelligence Officer to Testify US Military Has Reverse Engineered Alien Spacecraft

The halls of Congress this week will be filled with discussion about UFOs, now called UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Multiple witnesses will testify on whether the government is being transparent about them. One Pentagon whistleblower describes a government effort to hide and make use of what he calls “non-human” technology. The White House is threatening…

House GOP Hardliners Threaten to Derail Spending Bills

A group of 21 hard-line conservative House Republicans has warned that they would vote against spending bills that fail to include satisfactory cuts, in a letter addressed to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Monday. The lawmakers expressed their concerns about appropriations bills that could lead to increased spending levels, just as Congress is set…

The Biden-McCarthy Debt Ceiling Dance

Commentary The Joe Biden-Kevin McCarthy debt ceiling dance entered a new phase Tuesday. President Biden continued to stonewall and insist on an unamended debt ceiling increase (as I wrote in a previous column, calling Biden’s plan “clean” is totally misleading. Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin accurately characterized the Biden position as “It’s not rational, it’s not…

Budget Committee Looking at ‘Every Agency’ for Possible Cuts

The House Budget Committee is examining the budget of “every agency” in an effort to identify cuts to reign in federal spending that can gain majority approval in the House. The effort has become more urgent since House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced the outline of a plan to deal with the debt ceiling and…

US Debt Ceiling: Shutdown, Default, or Extraordinary Measures

Commentary House Democrats refuse spending cuts to keep the United States out of default. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen confirmed on Jan. 19 that the United States has reached its debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion and that the government would have to take extraordinary measures to avoid slipping into default. House Democrats blame the Republicans for not…

Majority of Americans Actively Taking Steps to Weather a Recession, With Spending Cuts Most Popular Preparation

A large number of U.S. citizens are taking preparatory steps to confront a looming recession and are cutting down on their spending activities, according to a latest Bankrate survey. When questioned as to how prepared they are for a recession before the end of 2023, 42 percent of respondents said they were “somewhat prepared, while…

NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (Feb. 1)

A nor’easter snowstorm hits barrels through the Northeast, we speak to a financial expert on Biden’s spending cuts reversal, and arrests are made after a group of progressive activists forcefully occupied a Hotel in Washington state.