Category: Savings Challenges

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The 6 Money Hacks You Need to Be a Millionaire

You know those videos where something you didn’t know existed blew your mind? My experience was exactly the same when I discovered some basic money hacks that led to me becoming a millionaire. Sadly, I had to learn these money hacks the hard way. The good news is that I’m going to share them with…

The 6 Money Hacks You Need to Be a Millionaire

You know those videos where something you didn’t know existed blew your mind? My experience was exactly the same when I discovered some basic money hacks that led to me becoming a millionaire. Sadly, I had to learn these money hacks the hard way. The good news is that I’m going to share them with…

Viral Savings Challenges Can Also Benefit You

Among the different ways to trick yourself into saving, money-saving challenges are some of the most engaging. They can help you feel connected to finances by requiring frequent check-ins and debunking feelings of inadequacy when it comes to saving. For Cristina Brown, a self-described savings-challenge designer and founder of the blog Happy Savings Co, money-saving…