Category: Manchester Arena

MI5 Missed ‘Significant’ Opportunity to Prevent Manchester Arena Bombing: Report

The Manchester Arena suicide bombing in 2017—which killed 22 people and injured hundreds more—may have been prevented if MI5 had not missed a “significant” opportunity, the third and final report from the public inquiry has announced. Salman Abedi, 22, detonated a device on May 22, 2017 in the foyer of Manchester Arena, known as the…

Arrest Warrant Issued After Manchester Bomber’s Brother Misses UK Court Hearing

A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the elder brother of the Manchester Arena bomber for failing to give evidence at the public inquiry into the attack. Ismail Abedi, who fled the UK last summer, did not attend a hearing at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday. Last month the 29-year-old was found guilty…

Manchester Bomber Had No Connection to Law-Abiding British Society, Inquiry Told

Salman Abedi had no active connection to law-abiding British society, the public inquiry into the Manchester Arena attack has heard. The close family of the Manchester-born suicide bomber showed “scant regard” to the country’s laws and he had no role model to fit into life in Britain, according to an expert in Islamist extremism. On…

Manchester Arena Attack Hero Dies in Road Crash

An ex-military policeman hailed a hero for helping victims of the Manchester Arena terror attack has died following a road collision. Ex-serviceman Darron Coster used his training from 22 years in the Royal Military Police (RMP) to assist casualties in the City Room foyer where the bomb was detonated at the end of an Ariana…