Category: identity politics

Uni Loses Grants for Awarding ‘6 White Men’ Doctorates

Australia’s largest medical research foundation has been criticised for prioritising “equality” over “merits” after cutting the University of Melbourne from future grants because the school awarded its honorary doctorates to six white men. The Snow Medical Research Foundation, which has donated over AU$90 million (US$65 million) to medical research in the last two years and…

The New Moral Law 

Commentary President Joe Biden’s announcement that a black woman would be his nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer may violate the core liberal principle of individualism, but in no way should anyone be surprised. Liberals have been crossing liberal premises for so long that no exertion of identity politics on their part should call for…

Still Think Police Officers Are Racist? Think Again | Heather Mac Donald | Larry Elder

Heather Mac Donald, author of “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe,” observed how crime rates in the United States increased during and after the George Floyd riots, and how crime has been proportional to the anti-police movement in the United States. She says that the…

Poetry and the ‘Fell Clutch of Circumstance’

Commentary The annual T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry, the most valuable in Britain, has just been awarded to a woman called Joelle Taylor. As I have not read her work, I am in no position to judge its quality, which may be very high indeed. In any case, I confess to some difficulty in judging…

Will We Ever Eradicate the Cancer of Identity Politics?

Commentary On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court finally granted a writ of certiorari in two now-consolidated affirmative action cases, Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. The cases will be jointly argued during the next Supreme Court term, and they place directly in their crosshairs…

Tenured Professor Critical of Identity Politics Fired by University

A tenured professor known for speaking out against “wokeism” and identity politics was fired by her university just before Christmas, which she says happened amid a campaign to have her terminated because of her views. Frances Widdowson, an associate professor in the department of economics, justice, and policy studies at Mount Royal University (MRU) in…

Nuts for Winter: Education That Enriches People With More Than Just Skills

Commentary I am a Conservative. Being conservative has very little to do with the political left or the political right. So let’s extricate conservatism from the left/right polarity and see it for what it really is: an attitude of mind that respects humanity but recognizes its limitations; that cautiously believes in progress but not just…

We Are Being Divided Through False Information and Media Narratives | Truth Over News

The polarization of Western societies did not start with Donald Trump. What we are witnessing now is the culmination of a process that has been going on for decades. But Trump’s rise undoubtedly accelerated the process. Or perhaps the process accelerated Trump’s rise. Suddenly, everyone is being called something—fascist, Nazi, communist, socialist, extremist. It feels…

What’s the Refund Policy for Australia’s Arts Funding Sinkhole?

Commentary During the 1990s, the French government spent more, per capita, on culture, than any other country in the world in the hope that it would encourage an artistic and cultural flowering of epic proportions. However, the unprecedented infusion of funds did the opposite, and the results were meagre bordering on non-existent. This phenomenon was…

The Importance of Political Satire in Fighting Wokeness: Babylon Bee Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann

With the woke mob culture and identity politics, it helps to find humor in the hypocrisy and extreme nature in the many narratives being used. To learn more about the role of humor and satire in political discourse, we sat down for an interview with Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief of The Babylon Bee, and co-author of…