Category: families

US-Backed Syrian Forces Raid Camp of ISIS Families, Arrest 9

BEIRUT—Thousands of Kurdish-led forces, with assistance from the U.S.-led coalition, launched a military operation Sunday at a sprawling camp in northeast Syria, in a new effort to identify and arrest ISIS terrorists and tamp down escalating killings and violence in the camp. The security sweep at the al-Hol camp will continue over time and is being…

Families of Downed Ukrainian Flight 752 Victims Struggle With Loss a Year Later

A broken cellphone and a muddied wallet were the only possessions Alireza Ghandchi received from Iran after his wife and two children were killed in a Ukrainian plane crash last year. “No luggage, no dolls, no anything,” he said. His son, Daniel, was eight-years-old and his daughter, Dorsa, was just three days shy of turning…