Category: Clearview AI

Clearview AI Fined £7.5 Million by British Data Protection Watchdog for Illegally Storing Images

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has handed a large fine to the facial recognition company Clearview AI for using images of UK people scraped from the web and social media to create a gigantic search engine for faces. The ICO fined the facial recognition company £7.5 million ($9.4 million), calling its methods to grow its…

Facial Recognition Tech: Centralising Surveillance Operations in China?

Commentary The People’s Republic of China has a formidable reputation in the field of facial recognition technology. This technology, which is increasingly used in surveillance operations to control China’s population, is widespread and intrusive. Relying on this technology, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is developing its social credit system, which has become one of the…

Watchdogs Order Clearview AI to Stop Using Facial Recognition Tool Without Consent

OTTAWA—Three provincial privacy watchdogs have ordered facial recognition company Clearview AI to stop collecting, using and disclosing images of people without consent. The privacy authorities of British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec are also requiring the U.S. firm to delete images and biometric data collected without permission from individuals. The orders made public today follow a…

Clearview AI Broke Canadian Privacy Laws With Facial Recognition Tool, Watchdogs Say

OTTAWA—A new watchdog report says Canadian use of U.S. firm Clearview AI’s facial-recognition technology violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information. In a report today with three provincial counterparts, federal privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien says the New York-based company’s scraping of billions of images of people from across the internet represented mass surveillance and…