Category: bowel movements

Long-Term Constipation May Lead to Cancer, Massage These 4 Acupoints to Relieve It

Research has confirmed that chronic constipation is one of the risk factors for colorectal neoplasms. However, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) techniques such as acupressure massage, herbal medicine, and daily diet can effectively treat constipation, thus reducing the risk of colorectal neoplasms. In the United States, constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal conditions, with at least…

Blood in Stool: 4 Main Causes, 1 Cause Might Be Colorectal Polyps or Cancer

Does blood in stool always indicate a health red flag? Seeing blood in the toilet bowl can be alarming. However, passing bloody stool does not necessarily indicate a serious problem, and only two situations may suggest severe disease (such as colorectal cancer) that requires immediate medical attention. 4 Main Causes of Blood in Stool, Symptoms…

Do You Find It Difficult to Defecate Even After Eating Lots of Vegetables?

People’s lives are fast-paced, and the eating habits of many are unhealthy. Many people have constipation and even cannot have bowel movements for several days. Dr. Qin Lang (pseudonym), a TCM nutritionist in Guangzhou, China, mentioned in an interview with The Epoch Times that long-term constipation could lead to intestinal diseases or colorectal cancer and…

Difficult to Defecate Even After Eating Lots of Vegetables?

People’s lives are fast-paced, and the eating habits of many are unhealthy. Many people have constipation and even cannot have bowel movements for several days. Dr. Qin Lang (pseudonym), a TCM nutritionist in Guangzhou, China, mentioned in an interview with The Epoch Times that long-term constipation could lead to intestinal diseases or colorectal cancer and…

It’s OK to Not Have a Bowel Movement Every Day

Many people believe that they should have one bowel movement per day (preferably in the morning), and that the process should be relaxing and smooth, with a stool that is neither too soft nor too hard. But does that mean if your bowel movements aren’t as such, they can’t be considered normal? A Swiss study…

Is Coffee Really a Laxative? 6 Effective Ways to Help With Bowel Movements

For most people, coffee is a refreshing and healthy drink. However, for some, coffee is also a great tool to help with bowel movements. Is coffee really a quick laxative? When people speak of coffee, they often mention the refreshing caffeine and many antioxidants in it. Few studies have mentioned whether coffee can help with…