Category: Alternative Health

Why Paying Attention to This Moment Creates Your Best Future

Living in the present moment is at the heart of all mindfulness teachings and the essence of well-being. But what is this thing we call being present? I’m not sure we all share the same answers, or if it even matters that we do. What does matter is that we know what being present means for ourselves in a practical…

When We Are Alone Together

Many couples come to my office because they don’t feel deeply connected. Often, one of them is lonely in the relationship because they feel like they can’t bridge the distance. These couples describe their relationships as containing little intimacy. But something recently reminded me of the divine ingredients of connection and how simple—but not easy—it…

Why You Can’t Think Your Way to Happiness

We spend our early years learning how to walk, talk, read, play sports, have conversations, and so on. We come to believe that knowing things is crucial for our happiness and survival. Knowing makes us valid, valuable, and powerful. Knowing makes us belong. Knowing also gives us a sense of control. If we can know something, we believe we can control it….

Can a Relationship Recover From Resentment?

Resentment is poisonous to a relationship.

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real

I took a deep dive into fear after someone I love dearly, a close family member, began experiencing a physical symptom. We’ve been unable to get to the bottom of it; the doctors have not been particularly concerned, and so we’ve resorted to just managing the symptom best we can. I haven’t been particularly worried, assuming it was just one of the umpteen physical symptoms that…