Category: adverse events

No Threshold of Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines to Pull Them, Says Canadian Official Behind Their Authorization

The Canadian official with final say on whether or not a vaccine gets approved in the country says there isn’t a threshold that would cause the removal of a COVID-19 injections from circulation, court documents reveal. Dr. Celia Lourenco, director general of the Biologic and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate within Health Canada’s Health Products and Food…

Are Medical Mistakes the Leading Cause of Death in the US?

This happens to the tune of about 40,000 events every single day, with approximately 250,000 lives lost each year (about 1 in 10 patients), making it the third leading cause of death in the US. Worse, you don’t even need to be sick or do anything wrong to become a victim of this astonishing trend….

Long Wait Time for Medical Treatment Cost Canadian Patients Nearly $4.1 Billion in Lost Wages in 2021

Long waits for surgery and medical treatment cost Canadians nearly $4.1 billion in lost wages, productivity, and leisure time in 2021, a new study by think tank Fraser Institute estimates. Published on April 20, the study says about 1.4 million Canadians were waiting for treatment last year, and each lost on average $2,848 from lost…

COVID-19 Vaccination Bookings Open for Australian Kids Aged 5 to 11

Parents across Australia are now able to book COVID-19 vaccinations for their children aged 5 to 11. Bookings opened from Dec. 15, with inoculations for this age group set to commence on Jan.10 through state and territory-run clinics, pharmacies, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, and Commonwealth Vaccination Centres. Children aged 5 to 11 will receive two…

Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Warns Against Vaccine Mandates for Young Children

Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth has called for Australian state governments to exempt under 12s from mandatory vaccinations, saying the decision on whether to vaccinate them should lie with the children’s parents, reported. This comes as the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) considers granting provisional approval of the Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine for under…

Former Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Warns Against Vaccine Mandates for Young Children

Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth has called for Australian state governments to exempt under 12s from mandatory vaccinations, saying the decision on whether to vaccinate them should lie with the children’s parents, reported. This comes as the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) considers granting provisional approval of the Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine for under…