Tag: vaccine travel mandate

Cory Morgan: ‘Following the Science’ or Politically Motivated? The Incentive Behind Vaccine Travel Mandates Is Now Clear

Commentary While questions posed to the government over COVID-19 policies often were rebutted with the dismissive response of “follow the science,” testimony in court documents obtained by The Epoch Times indicates that the government didn’t follow science at all, particularly when it came to imposing vaccine mandates upon travellers. Four lawsuits have been launched in…

Stephanie Kusie: Liberal Government Must End Punitive Travel Mandates

Commentary Canadians are ready to travel. For over two years they have willingly complied with public health directives and done what was asked of them, even in the early days when we knew very little about coronavirus. In fact, today over 80 percent of Canadians are vaccinated—the highest vaccination rate amongst G7 nations. However, the…

Charter’s Last Surviving Signatory and Former Premier Sues Ottawa Over Travel Vaccine Mandates

Brian Peckford, former premier of Newfoundland and the last surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, has filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Jan. 26. Alongside five other applicants, Peckford’s team is challenging the Constitutional merits of the Trudeau administration’s mandates restricting travel for Canadians without a COVID-19 vaccination. And…