Tag: Richard Nixon

Abuse of Constitution: Trump’s Indictments Signal Dangerous Political Trend

Commentary What we are witnessing in this roll-out of very questionable and even spurious indictments of former President Trump is a systematic abuse of the Constitution to which both parties have become addicted. In the first 190 years of its history, the only impeachment of a president of the United States was of Andrew Johnson…

How the Overthrow of Richard Nixon Led to the Present US-China Confrontation

Commentary The United States has, since the removal of President Richard Nixon in 1974, been moving along a strategic trajectory largely determined by its adversaries. Strategic success is associated with achieving identified goals and moving upon a trajectory determined by sovereign will rather than by an external force, especially the force of an adversary. So…

[PREMIERE AT 10:0AM ET] Why Did Nixon Give Elvis a Federal Narc. Agent’s Badge?

They came from polar opposite ends of society–“one was the ‘King of cool;’ the other the ‘Duke of dork!’” Perhaps, that’s why their iconic meeting so resonates with that unpredictable and dynamic late 60/early 70s era. What quirky ambition brought Elvis Presley to the Oval Office to meet President Richard Nixon in 1970? And what…

Why Did Nixon Give Elvis a Federal Narc. Agent’s Badge?

They came from polar opposite ends of society–“one was the ‘King of cool;’ the other the ‘Duke of dork!’” Perhaps, that’s why their iconic meeting so resonates with that unpredictable and dynamic late 60/early 70s era. What quirky ambition brought Elvis Presley to the Oval Office to meet President Richard Nixon in 1970? And what…

Book Review: ‘The President’s Man: The Memoirs of Nixon’s Trusted Aide’

The 1960s and 1970s were a turbulent time in the United States. As turbulent as those times were, the past decade seems to be a mirror image of those years. While reading Dwight Chapin’s memoir “The President’s Man: The Memoirs of Nixon’s Trusted Aide,” one begins to view the modern political world through his historical…

John Robson: The Vacuousness of the ‘Pragmatic Conservative’ Position

Commentary With a vote looming, and widespread disgust at polarization and ideology, perhaps we can all get behind the major political figure who said, “I am unique in that I’m neither left nor right, but I’m also not a mushy moderate. I’ve always stood for something.” Provided we can figure out what that thing was….

Sit Down with Roger Stone: Part 2

In my continued conversation with Roger Stone, we discuss his Jan. 5 speech and the Jan. 6 commission’s relentless pursuit of him, voter fraud, Richard Nixon, Watergate, the JFK assassination, election integrity, and the 2024 presidential contenders. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, ​Parler, Gab, and Twitter Follow EpochTV on social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/EpochTVus Twitter: twitter.com/EpochTVus Rumble: rumble.com/c/EpochTV…

The Historic US Opening to China: A Retrospective

News Analysis As the anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to Beijing reaches the half-century mark, it is time to take stock. China’s state-controlled media unanimously praised the event. The 1972 photograph of Nixon’s deplaning from Air Force One, his wife wearing a symbolically bright red coat, was prominently reproduced in the media. His…

Could China Go the Way of 1980s Japan?—Part 2

Read Part 1 here Commentary Over the majority of the 20th century, China was not one of the more notable players on the world stage. In the years leading up to World War II, the country did begin to deal with an early, insurgent communist movement against the ruling Kuomintang (KMT). Yet this development did…

Xi Jinping Seeking “Global Domination”: Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo said Chinese President Xi Jinping wants “global domination—hegemony for the Chinese Communist Party,” warning that the rise of the CCP could destroy the rules-based international order in place since the end of World War II. “It’s not about putting a Chinese tank division in Taiwan. It’s about accreting political power and influence throughout…