Tag: mouse plague

Australian Farmers Fear Resurgence of Mouse Plague

Australia farmers in the state of New South Wales (NSW) are being urged to be on the lookout for mice in their paddocks amid reports of increased numbers of the rodents in the northern parts of the state. Millions of dollars worth of crops were destroyed during last year’s mouse plague, which also caused extensive…

NSW Mouse Plague Rebate Available for Affected Households and Small Businesses

The New South Wales government has announced that a rebate is now available to claim for households and small businesses affected by the mouse plague. As part of the government’s $150 million Mouse Control Program, eligible households can claim up to $500 and small businesses up to $1,000 for the cost of mouse baits, traps,…

Australian State Considers Genetic Pest Management

As western New South Wales (NSW) deals with a devastating mouse plague, the government is investing in breakthrough genetic biocontrol research that could transform pest management in Australia. Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall said the NSW government would provide $1.8 million to the project to fast-track the delivery of next-generation ‘gene drive’ technology to control future…

Australian Mouse Plague Could Last Two Years

Farmers estimate the mice plague that has chewed through crops and homes in New South Wales since September 2020 will turn into a two-year plague as the invasion in the Australian state worsens and the Mouse Alert website indicates sightings have doubled since March, with a growing number of mice being sighted in and around…

NSW Govt Brings Back Strongest Rodent Pesticide to Combat Mouse Plague

The New South Wales (NSW) government has secured 5000 litres of bromadiolone, one of the world’s strongest pesticides against rodents, as part of a $50 million (US$38.8 million) ‘mouse trap’ package to help farmers combat the ongoing mouse plague. The chemical, which has been banned from outdoor usage since 2017, is currently awaiting approval from…