Tag: metrics

This Is Why Word-of-Mouth Referrals Should Be Your Number One Metric of Success

By David Wagoner The saying goes that when you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. But when your clients love what you do, you’ll find yourself in a position to unlock the most powerful form of marketing that exists: the word-of-mouth referral. Word-of-mouth referrals can be difficult to generate,…

Orange County Reports 52 New Cases of COVID-19, One Death

SANTA ANA—Orange County reported 52 new cases of COVID-19 and one additional death May 16. The number of coronavirus patients in county hospitals rose from 80 on May 15 to 82, while the number of those patients in intensive care decreased from 25 to 23, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency. The county…

Orange County is Hitting Yellow Tier Metrics

Orange County, Calif. has begun to close in on entering the state’s least-restrictive COVID-19 stage after reporting three consecutive days of yellow tier metrics. According to metrics released May 9, the county’s daily case rate per 100,000 people was down to two, qualifying it for yellow tier status. The other two metrics required to make yellow tier, overall positivity rate and health equity…

Orange County COVID-19 Hospitalizations Drop Below 100

SANTA ANA—Orange County’s number of COVID-19 hospitalizations fell out of triple-digits for the first time in months May 3, while the county also reported just 55 new infections and did not log any further fatalities. “That’s amazing,” Andrew Noymer, a University of California–Irvine professor of population health and disease prevention, told City News Service of…

Orange County Remains in Orange Tier for COVID-19

SANTA ANA—Orange County continues to show encouraging signs of declining COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and a major healthcare provider has opened one of two new mass vaccination sites in the county. “The numbers are looking great in Orange County,” Andrew Noymer, a University of California–Irvine professor of population health and disease prevention, told City News…

Orange County Continues Encouraging COVID-19 Trends

SANTA ANA—Orange County reported 119 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 additional deaths March 28, along with another decline in the number of coronavirus patients in county hospitals. Hospitalizations fell from 170 on March 27 to 156, with the number of COVID patients in intensive care units (ICU) dropping from 28 to 25, according to…

Orange County COVID-19 Cases Fall in Encouraging Trend

SANTA ANA—Orange County reported 119 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 additional deaths March 28, along with another decline in the number of coronavirus patients in county hospitals. Hospitalizations fell from 170 on March 27 to 156, with the number of COVID patients in intensive care units (ICU) dropping from 28 to 25, according to…

Orange County Partners With Blue Shield as it Eyes Orange Tier

The Orange County Board of Supervisors has approved a partnership with Blue Shield to administer COVID-19 vaccines. The board during its March 23 meeting approved a memorandum of understanding with the insurance company on a distribution contract. The partnership will allow Orange County to continue using its Othena scheduling platform. During the meeting, Orange County’s…

Orange County Inches Toward Moderate Reopening Tier

Orange County was one-tenth of a percentage away from advancing to a less-restrictive set of reopening rules March 16. Although it missed the mark for the state’s most recent weekly review of COVID-19 data, it could reach the orange tier by April 7 if metrics continue a downward trend. Reaching the orange tier would allow…

Orange County Reports 110 New Cases of COVID-19, 53 More Deaths

SANTA ANA—Orange County reported 110 new cases of COVID-19 and 53 additional deaths March 7, but officials said death reports over the next few days may be higher than usual as they clear the backlog created by technical issues in the state reporting database. The number of county residents hospitalized with the coronavirus decreased from…