Tag: like

This Is, Like, My Cri De Coeur Against the Word ‘Like’

Commentary A word has invaded American English. It has taken over the casual speaking of several generations under the age of 40. It is so common that hardly anyone who deploys it, no matter how incessantly, even notices it anymore. We are so used to hearing it that we do not even hear it. Or…

Traveling Light Ep2

This film is only available in the United States because of territorial licensing. Most of us like to travel. What we don’t like is the baggage we’re carrying around. But what if you could travel through life with no bags at all? In this 18-part teaching series, bestselling author and speaker Max Lucado invites you…

Visiting Eisenhower | Documentary

Dustin Bass and Alan Wakim hit the road for their first-ever road trip history documentary. This is part 1 of the two-part series on the Eisenhower-Nimitz connection. The Sons of History visit Denison, Texas, the birthplace of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The visit includes some of the best places to visit in the small, yet very…