Tag: immune system

Beyond Detox: Unlocking the Secret Healing Power of the Lymphatic System

In this series, “The Miraculous Immune System,” we’ll explore the true power of our immunity, the organs that work tirelessly to protect us. We’ll also provide practical ways to protect these vital divine gifts. The lymphatic system is our “immune network manager,” designed to keep internal and external toxins and invaders away from our body….

10,000 Previously Unknown Viruses Found in Babies’ Diapers: Study

A study into the gut microbiota of babies identified 10,000 new viral species on dirty diapers, with scientists saying these previously unknown viruses most likely play an important role in keeping the babies healthy. For their study, scientists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark spent five years examining the diapers of 647 healthy one-year-old…

Fighting Back Against COVID-Vaccine Injury

Can some of the injuries inflicted by the COVID vaccines be reversed? Let’s take stock of which treatments are most promising, and get started with them. Disclaimer None of the substances mentioned below can be expected to accomplish a full reversal of vulnerability, risks, and in some cases, outright injury inflicted by the COVID vaccines,…

IN-DEPTH: The $5 COVID-19 Treatment That Could Have Helped Save Thousands of Lives

If the authorities had heeded advice from those with the most profound knowledge of the mechanics of COVID-19, the pandemic could have been handled more adeptly, according to an immunologist, one of perhaps a few hundred in the world with the specific expertise. Instead, he said, his and others’ voices were silenced. Shortly after news…

The Most Important Factor for Strong Immunity: Dr. Simon Goddek

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, decisions had to be made. This was the moment for scientists around the world to come together and offer solutions. At the time, Dr. Simon Goddek, a systems dynamics biotechnologist from the Netherlands, had developed a comprehensive model for the human body. And when he mapped out the immune system,…

New Research Explores How the Brain Impacts Outcomes for Heart Disease and Other Diseases

New research is discovering a complex and intimate connection between our state of mind and the functioning of the immune system. Unpublished research recently summarized in the journal Nature conducted at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa unearthed a fascinating connection between the brain and recovery from heart attacks in mice. Examining scarring…

Broth is Beautiful

My mother was from the South and, true to southern culinary tradition, she frequently made chicken broth—either from a whole chicken or with chicken necks and backs. The broth went into chicken gravy and delicious, satisfying soups. She told us that chicken broth would give you beautiful skin and indeed, her skin was wrinkle-free, even…

Immune System Complete Guide: This Is How Your Body Keeps out Bacteria and Viruses (Infographics)

There is an increasing number of infectious diseases circulating around the world, from influenza to SARS to COVID-19. Your immune system plays a key role in fighting off these infectious diseases. So how does the immune system work to fight viruses and bacteria? What factors affect your immunity? This article will answer all your questions…

10 Herbs That Help Boost Immunity: Current Studies

Our immune system is complex and protects us from infection and disease. Many parts of the body work separately and together to keep us healthy, but stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and other factors can wear down our natural defenses. Let’s look at 10 natural and easily obtained herbs that can boost our immunity…

How to Make Fire Cider, an Old-School Herbal Remedy That Packs an Immune-Boosting Punch

When the cold weather hits and everyone seems to have a bit of a sniffle, it’s time to make fire cider. It’s an old-school remedy with a sweet-tart flavor and spicy edge. Herbalists and natural health enthusiasts swear by the stuff, since it’s packed with anti-viral and immune-supportive herbs. Devotees take the spicy, vinegar-infused tonic…