Tag: credit report

Why You Should Check Your Credit Report Annually

Negative information in your credit report can be detrimental to your finances. This information can prevent you from buying a home or car. Because of this, monitoring your credit report is imperative. But where do you find your credit report, and how do you read it? If you find a problem, how can you fix…

10 Hacks to Increase Your Credit Score Fast

Your credit score impacts everything from getting a favorable interest rate on a credit card to buying a home, paying for insurance, and more. If your current credit score is less than ideal, here are ten hacks to increase your credit score fast. 1. Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report Because of your credit report’s…

Online Credit Reports & How They Are Tracking Everything You Do

Imagine that you’ve been invited to join a friend on a weekend getaway. The only problem? Your dog has to stay home. Thankfully, you can solve this problem by hiring a pet sitter. Of course, you aren’t going to have anyone watch over your four-legged friend. You’re going to ask them some questions first. Primarily,…

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The 6 Money Hacks You Need to Be a Millionaire

You know those videos where something you didn’t know existed blew your mind? My experience was exactly the same when I discovered some basic money hacks that led to me becoming a millionaire. Sadly, I had to learn these money hacks the hard way. The good news is that I’m going to share them with…

The 6 Money Hacks You Need to Be a Millionaire

You know those videos where something you didn’t know existed blew your mind? My experience was exactly the same when I discovered some basic money hacks that led to me becoming a millionaire. Sadly, I had to learn these money hacks the hard way. The good news is that I’m going to share them with…

More Than Your Credit Could Be Hurt by Someone’s Error

A big credit reporting agency makes a mistake on your credit report, possibly lowering your score, but rarely corrects it, a federal agency contends. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion routinely failed to fully respond to consumers with errors in their reports, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in a new report. In 2021, Equifax,…