Tag: carbon capture and storage

Australian Government Supports Carbon Capture and Storage Witih Scarce Funding

Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King has supported carbon capture and storage (CCS) as the way for the industry to reach net-zero emissions. “Traditional commodities, including our energy resources, will play an essential role in supporting Australia’s economy transition to net-zero while also continuing to underwrite energy security for our key trading partners,” King said at the APPEA…

Australia Could Be ‘Carbon Capture Super Power’

Santos chief executive Kevin Gallagher has taken up the coalition’s battle cry for the gas industry to stand up for itself as part of the energy transition. Australia can be a “carbon capture superpower”, taking emissions from gas production and heavy industries as a world leader in carbon management services, Santos chief executive Gallagher told…

Carbon Capture in Oil Industry Will Make Renewables ‘Price Competitive’: John Kerry

John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, is arguing that renewable energy will become “far more price competitive” provided the oil and gas energy industry is forced to follow expensive carbon capture and storage requirements. “It is imperative that we meet our [climate] goals. And that will require capturing emissions which are the…

Australia Invests in Natural Gas Projects Amid War-Induced Energy Crisis

Australia is funnelling $80 million into gas projects in a bid to keep domestic prices down while supplies squeeze worldwide. Following its invasion of Ukraine, Russia—the world’s biggest natural gas exporter—has been sealed from international supply lines due to targeted sanctions aimed at key Russian exports. Coupled with a gas shortfall in Australia which is expected…

Australia, Japan Spearhead Future of Hydrogen Trading

Australia is solidifying its ambitions to become the world’s hydrogen powerhouse, establishing a new trade pact with Japan in a bid to ramp up Australia’s hydrogen production and export capabilities. The government views hydrogen as a potential boon for the nation’s economy, with estimates outlining the industry could generate more than $50 billion (US$35.8 billion)…

Australia’s Coal Industry Will Not Lose Steam Despite Global Climate Ambitions: PM

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has argued the nation’s coal industry will continue for decades to come despite United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing the “death knell” for coal power. “No, I don’t believe it did [sound the death knell of coal],” Morrison told reporters on Nov. 15. “For all of those who are…

Australia Adds $1 Billion To Low Emmissions Tech Fund

Australia’s push to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 will now include a $1 billion boost to help bankroll low emissions technologies. The government’s new Low Emissions Technology Commercialisation Fund will combine $500 million of private investment with $500 million from the government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC). CEFC is the world’s largest government-owned bank focusing…

Australia Adds $1 Billion To Low Emissions Tech Fund

Australia’s push to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 will now include a $1 billion boost to help bankroll low emissions technologies. The government’s new Low Emissions Technology Commercialisation Fund will combine $500 million of private investment with $500 million from the government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC). CEFC is the world’s largest government-owned bank focusing…

Australia Spearheads First Carbon Capture Hub

Australia has announced a new $220 million carbon capture and storage (CCS) hub in South Australia amid outcries for the technology to be scrapped altogether. The Australian government has lauded CCS as a critical pathway for reducing emissions in emissions-intense industries, such as energy, whereby emitted carbon dioxide is captured and piped into naturally formed…

Australian PM Defends Climate Policy, Says China’s Carbon Emissions ‘More Than’ 38 Countries ‘Combined’

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has defended his government’s climate policies against a barrage of environment demands, stating that the only way to truly solve climate change is to tackle the world’s biggest polluters through a technological revolution. In addressing a recent report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Morrison outlined…