Tag: belief

Be a Reader, Not a Believer

Commentary  This Op Ed has been inspired by two comments on my previous (too long, and unfinished) Op Ed on inflation (“This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Inflation”). In it I criticized Milton Friedman, and this elicited these reactions from two readers: “Conservative that I am, I’ve always been a fond believer in Milton Friedman,” wrote MissStofeles….

The Freedom to Believe

Commentary Freedom is nothing if not the freedom of personal belief. More integral to concepts of freedom than even bodily integrity or corporate behavior, the right of belief extends into deeply personal spaces where states exercise no authority. For a world weary of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and never ending anxiety over everything from virus variants…

Afghan Vice President Says Taliban’s Belief in God Is Twisted and Murderous

Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh said on Friday that the Taliban terrorist group, which seized control of Kabul on Aug. 15, holds a belief in God that is twisted and murderous. “This is the difference between us and the Taliban,” Saleh told Fox Nation host Lara Logan. “We believe that God is the creator of…

Denied Visitation for 18 Months, Retired Colonel Dies Suddenly in Chinese Prison

A retired colonel who was denied visitation for one-and-a-half years passed away suddenly while serving a seven-and-a-half-year prison term for upholding his belief in Falun Gong. The traditional mind-body discipline has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999. Gong Piqi’s family was informed on April 12 that he had died shortly after being…

Action and Faith

Commentary On Christmas Day in 1776, Gen. George Washington led 2,400 troops across the Delaware River. The weather was cold and miserable. The troops were exhausted; they had to contend with snow and ice. Their mission was to surprise the Hessian troops stationed in Trenton, New Jersey. They landed just before dawn on the 26th….