Category: Zhong Nanshan

COVID-19 Symptoms Much Worse Than Those of Influenza: Chinese Patients

While a new wave of COVID-19 is sweeping across China, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said on Dec. 15 that COVID-19 should be renamed “COVID flu,” as current variant Omicron’s fatality rate “has dropped to a very low [level]” and is equivalent to that of the “seasonal flu,” according to…

CCP Reaffirms Zero-COVID Policy Amid Growing Opposition and Economic Slump

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has reaffirmed the ruling communist party’s strict “zero-COVID” pandemic control policy in a recent speech. Meanwhile, the regime has put out a new regulation trying to save China’s economy under the policy. According to a report by China’s state media Xinhua, Xi said that officials must “do a good job in coordinating…

Beijing Seizes Upon Fauci’s Call for Solidarity to Push COVID-19 Propaganda

Chinese state media has raved over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent calls for solidarity to combat the pandemic, using his comments to bolster Beijing’s virus narratives. Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, appeared with top Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan in early March during an online forum hosted…

CCP Virus Rampant in China’s Hebei Province, as Vice Premier Blames Religious Gatherings

The COVID-19 epidemic is rampant in China’s Hebei Province. While the source of the latest outbreak of the CCP virus in the province is still unknown, the communist regime’s vice premier Sun Chunlan blames “religious activities” for its spread. Chinese citizens told The Epoch Time that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s disinformation propaganda of the…

China Approves Homegrown COVID-19 Vaccine, but Experts Are Skeptical of Effectiveness

On the last day of 2020, the Chinese regime approved a COVID-19 vaccine developed by state-run firm Sinopharm. However, international experts are skeptical about its efficacy and safety, as little clinical data has been released thus far. A Chinese top expert also expressed reservations about it. On Dec. 31, 2020, China’s State Council announced at…