Category: World War II

​Trying To Discern the Long-Term Consequences of Military Actions

Commentary Americans are divided about U.S. assistance to Ukraine. A legitimate concern for everyone, regardless of what “side” of the issue they’re on, is the long-term ramifications of alternative courses of military action or inaction. As an economist, I’m well aware of how impossible it is to predict the future with any degree of precision….

Anthony Furey: ‘Oppenheimer’ and the Era of Getting Things Done

Commentary This isn’t a film review. I haven’t yet had the opportunity to see “Oppenheimer.” Although I look forward to it, both because I’m a fan of its director Christopher Nolan and because of the importance of the topic. The blockbuster movie is a biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who is considered…

REPLAY 9:30 AM ET: The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US Into World War II—by The Truth Central

Historian Douglas P. Horne Spoke about “The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US into World War II” on July 10 on The Truth Central, an online broadcast hosted by Dr. Jerome Corsi.  We will replay the program at 4:30 p.m. ET on July 15. …

REPLAY: The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US Into World War II—by The Truth Central

Historian Douglas P. Horne Spoke about “The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US into World War II” on July 10 on The Truth Central, an online broadcast hosted by Dr. Jerome Corsi.  We will replay the program at 4:30 p.m. ET on July 15. …

The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US Into World War II—by The Truth Central

Historian Douglas P. Horne Spoke about “The McCollum Memorandum: How FDR Really Brought the US into World War II” on July 10 on The Truth Central, an online broadcast hosted by Dr. Jerome Corsi.  We will replay the program at 4:30 p.m. ET on July 15. …

Rewind, Review, and Re-Rate: ‘Operation Pacific’

1951 | Not Rated | 1h 51m | Drama, Romance, War When it comes to war movies, submarine warfare films can be some of the most intense ones to experience. Some of that intensity is due to the physical confines of submarines themselves—relatively cramped conditions where men of war must learn to live together while…

Fame and Sacrifice: Lieutenant Audie Murphy

The date: January 26, 1945. The place: Riedwihr Woods, Alsace, France. Lt. Audie Murphy was the newly assigned commander of Company B. When the Germans attacked with over 200 soldiers and six tanks, Murphy ordered his men to withdraw into the forest. Nearby sat an American tank destroyer, knocked out of action and blazing with…

Documentary Review: ‘Angels of the Sky’

PG |1 hr 30m | Documentary | 2023 They have been called the “Greatest Generation,” but only a few of the young American men (and they were almost entirely men) who fought the National Socialists during World War II are still alive to tell their stories. Fortunately, quadriplegic filmmaker Trent McGee and co-director/co-writer Josh Berman recorded…

Kentucky WWII Centenarian Receives Service Medals 78 Years After Service

U.S. Army Air Force World War II veteran Edwin Smith received his military service medals nearly 78 years after he completed his service to our county. In a small ceremony at his home in Glasgow, Kentucky, Congressman Brett Guthrie presented Smith with the American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and the World War…

Book Review: James Fenelon’s ‘Angels Against the Sun’

In “The Bridges at Toko-ri,” the movie about the Korean War based on James Michener’s novel, Adm. George Tarrant watches as his pilots take off from the pitching deck of a carrier to attack the enemy and asks, “Where do we get such men? They leave this ship and they do their job. … Where do…