Category: technology transfer

GOP Lawmaker Reintroduces Bill to Keep Sensitive US Technology Out of Chinese Military’s Hands

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) has reintroduced his China Technology Transfer Regulation Act as part of the 118th Congress. The bill seeks to prevent the Chinese military from acquiring sensitive U.S. technology and intellectual property through export controls, according to a press release sent to The Epoch Times. The bill controls United States exports of certain technology…

Internal Pentagon Report Says China Is Main Beneficiary of Key US Technology Research Efforts

A confidential internal Department of Defense report concludes that “China, not the United States, is the ultimate beneficiary of DoD and other [U. S. Government] research investments,” according to Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa). “Washington is spending billions of your tax dollars every year to hypothetically achieve technological dominance over communist China, but the ultimate beneficiary of that…

American Companies are Supercharging the Chinese Communist Party

News Analysis  In the skies, a Chinese fighter pilot pans his hands across a touch screen and the automated target-recognition software detects his target in seconds. In Xinjiang, giant servers that power an immense array of repressive surveillance technologies whir to life. In Shanghai, smart city technology connects residents as never before, even as authorities…

US Companies are Supercharging the Chinese Communist Party

News Analysis  In the skies, a Chinese fighter pilot swipes his hand across a touch screen and the automated target-recognition software detects his target in seconds. In Xinjiang, China, giant servers that power an immense array of repressive surveillance technologies come to life. In Shanghai, smart city technology connects residents as never before, even as…

Chinese Regime Using US Tech to Create Weapons, House Republicans Warn

The Chinese military likely used American technologies in its reported test of a hypersonic weapon earlier in the year, according to a recent letter signed by 17 Republican lawmakers. “It is likely that U.S. software and tools contributed to the creation of this weapons system, because of our country’s permissive export controls and licensing policies…

US Intelligence Agency Warns Companies on China’s ‘Comprehensive’ Efforts to Acquire Critical Technologies

The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) launched an outreach campaign on Oct. 22 to warn and instruct U.S. organizations engaged in critical and emerging technologies about the dangers posed by foreign states’ counterintelligence operations. “In recent months, NCSC has begun engagements with various entities in these sectors to provide information on nation-state threats to…

It’s Time for Americans to Stand Up Against China’s Technology Theft

Commentary Thirty years ago, the United States began to open its doors to China under the “constructive engagement” policy. The hope was to help liberalize China and steer it to be a “stable, open, and non-aggressive” world player, as former President Bill Clinton envisioned. At that time, China’s technology lagged behind the United States’. It…

China Insider: Experts Call for Suspension of EU-China Investment Deal

After seven years of negotiations, the Chinese communist regime and the European Union reached the EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement in December 2020. Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made promises to the EU such as market access and no more forced technology transfer, many have questioned and criticized this agreement.

Leaked Documents Reveal Chinese Regime’s Orders to Steal Foreign Technologies

A series of leaked government documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times reveal that Chinese authorities have funded projects that are aimed at obtaining foreign advanced technologies through partnerships with international research institutions. Public records show that China’s Ministry of Science and Technology is behind the efforts. Budget for ‘Transferring’ Foreign Technologies Hebei International Talent…