Category: Steele dossier

How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump

News Analysis Twelve years ago, FBI agents in Baltimore sought to wiretap former Brookings Institution analyst Igor Danchenko on suspicions he was spying for Russia. But the counterintelligence analyst they were assigned to work with Brian Auten told them he could not find their target and assumed the Russian national had fled back to Moscow….

Finding Danchenko

The Epoch Times presents the first part of an exclusive edited extract from the forthcoming book “Swiftboating America” by Hans Mahncke, co-host of Truth over News on EpochTV. Sign up at to get a notification once the book is out. It had become a tradition that I would take the kids camping each summer…

Republicans Vow Accountability for FBI Politicization Detailed in Durham Report as Democrats Mostly Mum

House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) is calling for Congress to enact “new guardrails” to prevent a recurrence of the “serious errors and shortcomings” described in the Durham Report’s analysis of the FBI’s highly politicized investigation of allegations Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government. “The Durham Report underscores what former…

Durham Report: Senior FBI Officials ‘Displayed Serious Lack of Analytical Rigor’ in Trump-Russia Probe

Department of Justice Special Counsel John Durham’s long-awaited report concludes that the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the [Steele Dossier] reporting” in part because senior FBI officials displayed a “serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received” from a source…

No Response From Pulitzer Committee After Watchdog Issues Critical Review of Media’s RussiaGate Coverage

The Pulitzer committee is yet to respond to a media watchdog’s scathing review of multiple media outlets’ coverage of the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative. The Columbia Journalism Review spent 18 months looking back on the press coverage of the former president in a report published on Jan. 30, and took aim at a number of publications, including…

Federal Judge Sanctions Trump, Lawyer Nearly $1 Million Over Russiagate Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton

A federal judge has imposed over $900,000 in sanctions on former President Donald Trump and his legal team for what the judge deemed a “continuing pattern of misuse of the courts” in Trump’s since-dismissed lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and dozens of others. U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks—an appointee of former President Bill…

How the FBI Copied Parts of the Debunked Steele Dossier Directly Into Its Spy Requests

The FBI relied more extensively on Christopher Steele’s debunked dossier in their Russiagate investigation than has been revealed, inserting key parts from it into their applications for warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. Agents did this without telling the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the precise wording was plucked directly from a political…

Every Narrative Used By The Corporate Media Has Proven To Be False. | Truth Over News

As a larger group, we early investigators and informed conservatives were right about the Russia-Collusion scam. We were right about the Carter Page FISA scam. We were right about the Steele Dossier scam. We were right about the Alfa Bank scam. We were right about FBI Leadership, DNC & John Brennan being consummate liars. We…

Impure Puritans

Commentary Two books have recently been published with the words “The New Puritans” in their titles. From the UK comes Andrew Doyle’s “The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World,” while Noah Rothman of the United States has produced “The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back Against Progressives’ War…

PREMIERING NOW: Kash’s Corner: Durham Blasts FBI Corruption Despite Danchenko Acquittal

This episode will premiere on Friday, Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. ET. In this episode of Kash’s Corner, we discuss Igor Danchenko’s acquittal of four counts of lying to the FBI and the strategy the defense used to win over the jury. Kash Patel reflects on the trial’s key takeaways and whether Americans should have…