Category: soybeans

Genetically Modified Soybeans: Bad for Your Health?

The debate about genetically modified (GM) soybeans has always been controversial. Currently, 90 percent of the soybeans grown in America are genetically modified. Are GM soybeans harmful to the body? Let us explore this topic in detail. 1. Genetic Modification Versus Hybridization Is there a difference between the two? Genetic modification is a deliberate alteration…

Eating Beans Can Benefit Vascular and Gut Health

Beans, belonging to the legume family, are celebrated as tasty, easy to prepare, nutritious, a good meat substitute, and are even sung about as childhood rhymes. What is it about beans that make them such a magical food? Beans have many health benefits for the human body. Chen Tsung Yu, a Taiwanese nutritionist, offers his…

Beans: The Ideal Carbohydrate

Beans Are Nutritionally Unique Beans and other legumes (such as lentils and split peas) are the ideal starchy food. When many people think of high-fiber, starch-containing foods, they think of whole grains, which are healthful foods, but beans are nutritionally superior. Beans and other legumes have uniquely high levels of fiber and resistant starch, carbohydrates…

Edamame: The Unsung Star of the Sushi Bar—and Your Weeknight Meals

When I’m looking to save money on food, I don’t usually hit the sushi bar. But it recently clicked for me that one of the most delicious, nutritious, and reasonably priced foods on earth is available wherever sushi is sold. And you can make it perfectly at home for even cheaper. Edamame is Japanese for…

Diesel, Fertilizer Shortages Endanger Food Supplies

Commentary In the 18th century, the average French working man spent about 50 percent of his wages on bread. By 1789, that percentage had increased to as much as 60 to 80 percent and the French Revolution ensued. King Louis XVI and Marie Anoinette met the guillotine. In 1930, a little-known Indian attorney named Mohandas…

China Fears Food Shortages Due to Russia-Ukraine War

News Analysis China is concerned about its food supplies as the Russia-Ukraine war threatens various supply chains. Chinese authorities are calling on farmers to increase food production. Russia and Ukraine are important grain exporters, supplying nearly 30 percent of wheat and nearly 20 percent of corn in the global market. The impact on Russia’s natural…