Category: Shi Zhengli

Three Female Scientists May Hold the Key to COVID’s Origin: Experts

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, exactly what happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) remains a mystery, but there is a growing suspicion that the virus likely originated in the institute’s P4 lab. Meanwhile, three women who are connected to the WIV have become the focus of discussions in recent years. Experts…

From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory (Part 2) | Truth Over News

Earlier in the week we aired Part One of a Two Part Special – detailing events at Wuhan up to December 2019 as the pandemic started. Now we’ll shift our focus, examining events that transpired as the pandemic unfolded. Specifically, the cover up of Covid’s true origins that began almost immediately as word began to…

From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory | Truth Over News

A recent assessment from the Energy Department found that the COVID-19 virus likely emerged from a Chinese lab. Since that report, the corporate media has pivoted sharply in its coverage of the origin of the pandemic. Previously, any information about a lab origin was rigorously suppressed, but now corporate media organizations are reporting on the…

Christian Drosten and the ‘Bat Woman’ of Wuhan

Commentary Thanks to an observant Twitter user (hat-tip @lissnup), I now know much more about the curious photo of German virologist Christian Drosten included in my previous article on “The Other Lab in Wuhan.” It is not a photo of a Tongji Medical College event, but rather of a “Sino-German Symposium on Infectious Diseases” that was held…

Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns While Pushing For More Collaboration with China

As the pandemic engulfed the world in 2020, a top U.S. scientist that had for years worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) actively tried to help Chinese researchers at the lab counter concerns that the virus might have originated from the facility, newly released emails show. These efforts include alerting Chinese scientists of…

Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns

As the pandemic engulfed the world in 2020, a top U.S. scientist that had for years worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) actively tried to help Chinese researchers at the lab counter concerns that the virus might have originated from the facility, newly released emails show. These efforts include alerting Chinese scientists of…

Wuhan Lab Hid COVID-19 Relative for Seven Years | Truth Over News

In April 2012, six miners working to clear an abandoned mine in Mojiang, southwestern China, became seriously sick with an unknown illness. Working 200 miles away was a research team led by Shi Zhengli, the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Shi’s team rushed to the site, where they would spend the next two years…

Wuhan Lab Scientists Obfuscated Source of COVID-19-Like Virus | Truth Over News

Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist specializing in bat viruses. She is also the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And she is the common thread through which many key research projects and gain-of-function experiments on coronaviruses are connected. Her decades-long work illustrates how China’s pursuit of the sources for emerging coronaviruses led to…

No Bats or Pangolins Sold in Wuhan Wet Market: Oxford Research

Neither bats nor pangolins were being sold in Wet Markets in Wuhan when the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic started, a study by Oxford University found. Chinese officials have claimed the virus, which causes COVID-19, originated outside the country, but it is widely believed to have come from a top-level laboratory in Wuhan, where…

Anti-Trump Sentiment Contaminates Debate on Virus Origin: MI6 Ex-chief

Anti-Trump sentiment has been one of the factors that contaminated the debate on the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as novel coronavirus, Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6, has said. Efforts seeking a full inquiry into the origins of the CCP virus have been…