Category: Rupert Murdoch

Turnbull Replaces Rudd in News Corp Crusade

Former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has handed over the reins of a push for a parliamentary investigation into Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. Going forward, ex-Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (2015-18) of the Liberal Party will co-chair the “Australians for a Murdoch Royal Commission” alongside Sharan Burrow, former general secretary of the International Trade Union Conference…

Rupert Murdoch to Marry Again, Announces Engagement to 66-Year-Old

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is planning on tying the knot again, he said in a recent interview with the New York Post, where the 92-year-old admitted to being nervous while popping the question. “I was very nervous. I dreaded falling in love—but I knew this would be my last. It better be. I’m happy,” Murdoch…

Rupert Murdoch Considers Combining Fox, News Corp.

Rupert Murdoch has started a process that could reunite his media empire, News Corp. and Fox Corp. disclosed on Friday, saying they would consider combining at his behest, nearly a decade after the companies split. Both have formed special committees to review proposals of a potential combination, they said. If a deal goes through, the…

Murdoch Accuses Facebook, Google of Censoring Conservative Voices

Rupert Murdoch has accused tech giants Google and Facebook of silencing conservative voices on their platforms and has called for “significant reform” and transparency around digital advertising supply chains. “What we have seen in the past few weeks about the practices at Facebook and Google surely reinforces the need for significant reform,” the News Corp…

Piers Morgan to Present Global Show on Rupert Murdoch’s New Channel, TalkTV

Piers Morgan is set to work with Rupert Murdoch once again after signing a global deal with News Corp and FOX News Media, the company announced on Sept.16. In a statement, Piers said he was thrilled to be returning to News Corp, the place where he first launched his career over 30 years ago and where Murdoch also…

Trial of Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Set to Begin After Multiple Delays

Prosecutors and defense lawyers are scheduled to deliver their opening statements on Sept. 8 in the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of medical sciences company, Theranos Inc. Holmes, who founded Theranos in 2003 at the age of 19, is facing counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud relating to her blood-testing startup that was once…

Facebook Reaches Content Deal With News Corp

Facebook has reached a pay deal with legacy media corporation News Corp, three weeks after the Australian government passed its “world-first” media payment law. In a statement on Tuesday, News Corp said it had reached a multi-year deal with Facebook to provide news for payment from newspapers The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, The…

Former Australian PM Lambasts Media Law for ‘Entrenching’ Murdoch Empire

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd claims impending media bargaining laws will entrench the power of Rupert Murdoch’s news empire. Rudd said Australian media was undergoing a “Fox News-isation” and was breeding climate change denialism and encouraging far-right political extremism. “The Murdoch media empire has campaigned viciously against one side of politics,” he said. Rudd is fronting…

Rupert Murdoch Decries ‘Awful Woke Orthodoxy’ Amid Wave of Social Media Censorship

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch this week decried what he sees as “a wave of censorship” that seeks to stifle debate and stop people from realizing their potential. Murdoch, whose holding company owns Fox News, the New York Post, and other media outlets, said media professionals nowadays have “a real challenge to confront: a wave of…

Rupert Murdoch and the Grip of Fashion’s Tyranny

Way back in 2019, when I was puzzled by the hostile attitude taken by The Times of London towards Brexit—the then-prospective and now just-completed exit of Britain from the European Union—I asked a friend of mine who also knows the paper’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, why it had done so? How could such a famously (or…