Category: Ronson Chan Ron-sing

Chairman of the Journalist Association Guards the Last Frontier of Hong Kong Press Freedom

April 5 is the 55th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Journalist Association. However, what was meant to be celebratory, is no more but dread and defeat. Ronson Chan, a former reporter of now-defunct Stand News, became a household name during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests among freedom-seeking Hongkongers and the democracy camp (Yellow Camp). Chan…

On Bail Chairman of the Hong Kong Journalist Association Returns From Oxford for Trial

Chairman of the Hong Kong Journalist Association, Ronson Chan Ron-sing, announced on Facebook that he would arrive in Hong Kong on April 23 from his trip to Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, Chan received his lawyers’ instruction that his trial set for April 25 would resume on May 16, instead. The Magistrates’ Court…

Chairman of Hong Kong Journalists Association Travels to UK While on Bail

Although out of jail on bail, Ronson Chan Ron-sing, chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, left Hong Kong for the UK via Bangkok, on the evening of Sept. 29 for a six-month fellowship at the University of Oxford. Before boarding the plane, he said that he was a Hong Kong reporter and would return…

Chairman of Hong Kong Journalists Association Accused of ‘Obstructing Police Work,’ Due to Appear in Court

According to the 2022 World Press Freedom Index, released by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the international non-governmental organization, Hong Kong ranked at a record low. It had fallen the furthest of any country from 80th place in 2021 to 148th place in 2022. Ronson Chan Ron-sing, the chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association,…