Category: permanent residents

South Korea Raises Immigration Investment Requirements Amid Concerns of Chinese Political Inference

South Korea has recently raised its investment immigration threshold in response to an observed skew in the proportion of Chinese immigrants gaining residency. The decision comes in the wake of controversies surrounding the voting rights granted to Chinese permanent residents in South Korean local elections, rights which are not reciprocated for Koreans in China. This…

‘Birth Tourism’ on the Rise in Canada: Immigration Research

Cases of suspected “birth tourism” happening on Canadian soil are estimated to be about 2,500 a year, according to a report by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Published in September 2022, the report said the number of estimated deliveries by short term visitors, i.e. “residual” deliveries, shows an upward trend in recent years, “from…

‘Unprecedented Swing in Housing Demand’: Report Says 995,000 Arrivals to Canada Straining Housing Supply

Nearly 1 million newcomers who arrived in Canada last year are creating an “unprecedented” surge in housing demand that is “not fully reflected” in official records, a report by the CIBC says. Released on Jan. 25, the report, titled “Housing Demand from Newcomers Even Stronger Than Perceived,” said the total number of permanent residents (PRs)…

Faster Citizenship Pathway for Permanent Residents Joining Military, Says National Defence

In order to address a personnel crisis, the Canadian military has now expanded the recruitment of non-citizens who are permanent residents and it says the country will expedite granting them citizenship. “Enrolment of permanent residents will help us grow our military with qualified, well-trained people who choose a career in uniform,” said Minister of Defence…

Ottawa Makes 16 New Jobs Eligible for Permanent Residence

Canada is now allowing foreign workers in 16 new occupations to apply for permanent residence, a move the government says aims to address “acute labour shortages across the country.” Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Sean Fraser announced on Nov. 16 that the government will now allow permanent residents to hold 16 new occupations that were not previously…

Ottawa Announces Target of 500,000 Immigrants Per Year by 2025

Ottawa is planning to bring in 500,000 new immigrants per year by 2025, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Sean Fraser announced on Nov. 1. Fraser said in a statement that Canada’s 2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan would embrace immigration “as a strategy to help businesses find workers and to attract the skills required in key sectors—including health care,…

Liberals to Bring in 1.3 Million Newcomers Over Next 3 Years

The Liberal government aims to bring in more than 1.3 million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years despite having a backlog of 1.8 million applications waiting to be processed due to pandemic-induced delays. On Feb. 14, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser tabled his three-year immigration levels plan in Parliament, calling for a yearly…

Canada to Unveil Travel Rules for Fully Vaccinated Citizens, Permanent Residents

OTTAWA—Canada is set to detail what quarantine rules citizens and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will soon have to follow when entering the country. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair said last week that “measures” would be announced today that will apply to immunized Canadians, as well as foreign nationals…