Category: pain management

Mindful Movement to Manage Pain and Anxiety

Do you find it hard to be still? Research shows that mindfulness-based practices can play a promising role alleviating chronic pain and anxiety, but most traditional mindful exercises require participants sit still for extended periods of time, something that can be difficult for people suffering from physical pain or severe anxiety. The Benefits of Mindfulness The…

An Effective Yet Neglected Treatment for Chronic Pain

More than 20 percent of U.S. adults—50 million people—live with chronic pain such as spinal disorders and disc disease, pinched nerves, low back pain, neck pain, complex regional pain syndromes, fibromyalgia, shingles, diabetes-caused neuropathies, and arthritic and musculoskeletal conditions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People suffering with chronic pain were frequent…

How Negative Emotions Turn Into Pain

You’ve heard the expressions “pain in the neck” or “pain in the butt” and assumed that they’re just figures of speech to describe a person or a situation that’s unpleasant. However, I know firsthand that stress, trauma, and emotional issues can morph into a pain in your neck, in your butt, and many other places…

Opioid Lawsuit Payout Plans Overlook a Vital Need

The opioid crisis has resulted in more than 500,000 overdose deaths over the past two decades. The federal government, states, and other entities have filed litigation against drug manufacturers, suppliers, and pharmacies as one approach to address the harm and suffering caused by inappropriate opioid prescribing practices. Billions of dollars in settlements have since been awarded, and…

Describing Pain So Your Doctor Pinpoint a Diagnosis

Chronic pain caused by arthritis can be debilitating for many people. Discussing the pain with a doctor and putting symptoms into words can help you get better treatment for the specific pain you may be experiencing. Many people find it hard to communicate with their doctor about how much pain they are feeling. Because of…