Category: mobility

Why Exercise Is Crucial for Parkinson’s Disease, and 4 Workouts That Alleviate Symptoms

Parkinson’s symptoms gradually escalate until they hinder a person’s ability to enjoy even basic physical activities. However, simply becoming more active can have an incredible effect on disease progression. “There is quite a bit of research to support exercise as a modality to improve many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,” Sara Cohen, a physical…

Sarcopenia Can Cause Falls and Mobility Problems, Diet and Exercise Can Help

As we age, many of us may experience decreased hormone secretion, reduced physical activity, and a lack of nutrients in our diets, which accelerates the loss of muscle mass. When a person loses too much muscle, sarcopenia will occur. People with sarcopenia are more prone to falling and lack the strength to get up from…

The Ever-Increasing Cost of Driving Limits Personal Mobility: Report

Vehicle ownership and personal mobility have become an expensive endeavor in 2022. The average price of a new car in the United States is now around $48,300, the highest on record. The surge in car prices combined with large cost hikes in fuel, insurance, and maintenance over the past year have drastically increased the total cost…

Install a Shelf Grab Bar

A grab bar is a safety device that should be in every bathtub and shower stall to provide safe footing on the slippery surfaces in a bathroom. It gives a helping hand to anyone – at any age or physical condition – who requires assistance. Add a shelf to that safety feature and it’s a…

Volkswagen Ramps Up E-mobility Spending to $59 Billion by 2026

FRANKFURT—Volkswagen on Thursday said it would ramp up spending for battery-powered electric vehicles by around 50 percent to 52 billion euros ($59 billion) by 2026 as part of the group’s far-reaching transformation. The investment is part of Volkswagen’s new revolving 5-year spending plan, which foresees total investments of 159 billion euros in the 2022–2026 period,…

Eating Disorder Puts Wheels in Motion for New Charity

Don Schoendorfer’s perspective and faith took a 180 degree turn when a family member was diagnosed with bulimia in 1994. An MIT-trained engineer by trade, he encountered a problem in his life that he couldn’t fix with his technical knowledge. Up until that point, Schoendorfer said, everything else—his job, finances, and relationships—was under control. He…

Southern California Charity Distributes Free Wheelchairs Across the World

Don Schoendorfer’s perspective and faith took a 180-degree turn when a family member was diagnosed with bulimia in 1994. An MIT-trained engineer by trade, he had encountered a problem in his life that he couldn’t fix with his technical knowledge. Up until that point, everything else—his job, finances, and relationships—was under control, Schoendorfer said. He…

How to Improve Health and Quality of Life for Long-Term Care Residents

Sitting around is a known risk factor for disease and disability. Yet, when older adults start to lose independence—becoming less functional physically or showing signs of cognitive impairment—they move into residences that may allow them to sit for 85 percent of their waking hours. As the baby boomer population ages, older people are starting to…