Category: Joint & Muscle Health

Gout Relief and Prevention

If your body makes too much uric acid or expels too little, uric acid blood levels can build up… Q: I have had two attacks of gout in the past six months. What’s the best way to get quick relief and prevent it from happening? A: Gout is the most common type of inflammatory arthritis….

Knee Trouble? Losing Weight May Help Slow Arthritis

Losing excess weight may not only help prevent knee arthritis but also slow its progression in people who already have the condition, a recent study suggests. Researchers found that among over 9,000 middle-aged and older adults, those who managed to shed some extra weight benefited their knees in two ways: They were less likely to develop knee…

Inflammation May Curb, Not Cause, Chronic Pain

In Brief: Challenging previous notions about inflammation and pain, scientists found that a robust initial inflammatory response appears to protect against chronic pain rather than contribute to it. The findings suggest that suppressing inflammation to treat acute musculoskeletal pain may be counterproductive for long-term pain relief. Many of us have felt the ache of a thrown-out…

Osteoarthritis Has Doubled in the Last Fifty Years

Eighty percent of North Americans have X-ray evidence of osteoarthritis by age 65, and sixty percent have significant joint pain. A recent study compared the size of knee cartilage in: 176 skeletons of people who lived from 6000 to 300 years ago (from U.S. museums)  1581 skeletons of people who died between 1905 and 1940,…