Category: Jason Clare

Australia Pushes for More University Graduates With Race-Based Affirmative Action, Failing Student Support

The Australian federal government aims to double the number of Indigenous students at universities in the next decade, from 5,000 to 10,000, as part of several reforms to the sector. Education Minister Jason Clare announced the changes along with the Interim Report of the Universities Accord, which outlined a vision for the future of Australia’s…

Australian Government Warns Against Unreasonable Childcare Fee Hikes as Higher Subsidy Kicks in

The Australian government has warned childcare providers across the country to refrain from taking advantage of the upcoming lift in childcare subsidies to raise prices. This comes as the federal Labor government’s “cheaper childcare” policy will take effect from July 1, allowing Australian families with young children to claim more rebates for childcare costs. Federal…

Students’ Dropout Rates Highest in a Decade: Productivity Commission Report

Australia’s school retention rate has dropped to the lowest level in 10 years, with one in five teenagers not finishing high school in 2022.  According to the Productivity Commission report on government services published on June 6, only 79 percent of students from year 10 to year 12 finished high school, the lowest in a…

Greens Pick Fight on Student Debt With Labor Government

The Albanese government has been criticised for blocking the Greens’ attempt to stop the indexation of student debt. Greens deputy leader and education spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, panned the government for blocking attempts to introduce a bill in the past six months. In Australia, individuals seeking higher education at university or technical colleges known as…

Australian Businesses Lambast Record Minimum Wage Increases

The Australian business community has criticised the Fair Work Commission for the latest wave of minimum wage rises, saying it would add more pressure to struggling businesses nationwide. On June 2, the commission announced that it would lift the national minimum wage by a total of 8.6 percent from July 1, effectively raising the pay…

International Students Will Return to pre-COVID-19 Levels in 2023: Australian Education Minister

The Australian government has forecasted that the number of international students starting a university degree in the country will return to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2023. During a speech at the Universities Australia gala dinner on Feb. 23, Education Minister Jason Clare provided an update on international students, saying they were coming back…

Chinese Students Forced to Scramble Back to Australia as Beijing Shuts the Door on Online Study

Tens of thousands of Chinese students will have to return to Australian campuses after a sudden ban on remote studying for overseas diplomas by the Chinese Education Ministry. On Jan. 28, the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange under the Education Ministry announced that from the first semester of 2023, the Center would no longer…

Australian Education Ministers Discuss How to Address the Teacher Shortage Crisis

Australia’s state, territory, and federal education ministers met in Canberra to discuss issues causing teachers to leave the occupation in droves, including pay and workloads, and how governments can support new and mid-career professionals transition into the classroom. Representatives of teachers from every state and territory were given a platform to bring up issues and…