Category: infertility

Prevalence of IVF Could Create Genetic Haves and Have Nots: AMA

Australian Medical Association President Stephen Robson has warned that with the development of IVF technologies, society could be in “big trouble” if wealthier people can select better genes for their babies. Speaking at the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday, Robson said the rising use of IVF technologies could lead to a genetic divide…

Overweight Boys May Have Higher Risk of Infertility as Men, Study Says

Men who were overweight as children are likely at higher risk for infertility, a recent study suggests. To investigate the impact of obesity-related metabolic disorders on testicular growth, scientists at the University of Catania in Sicily looked at health records from 268 boys aged 2 to 18 years old. The boys had all been referred…

One in Six People Around the World Are Infertile: WHO Report

Infertility affects one in six people worldwide—around 17.5 percent of the adult population—according to a new report published by the World Health Organisation. The report shows little variation in the prevalence of infertility in high, middle and low-income countries. Lifetime prevalence was 17.8 percent in high-income countries and 16.5 percent in low- and middle-income nations….

Trying to Get Pregnant? This Ancient Therapy May Help

Nowadays, more and more people choose to marry late and have children late. However, when they are finally ready to have a child, they find that it is not that easy. They often find themselves resorting to egg freezing and artificial insemination, but these things can make women suffer physical pain and psychological trauma. Serene…

Suffering From Infertility? Ancient Medicine Makes Magic

Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. According to the world health organization, infertility affects millions of people of reproductive age worldwide – and has an impact on their families and communities. Estimates…

Top Causes of Infertility in Men and Women, Lifestyle Changes May Help

Think you’re too old, too stressed out, or too busy to become pregnant? There are commonsense strategies and simple, everyday health habits that could make your dreams of parenting come true. In the United States, 15 percent of couples are unable to conceive a biological child of their own, as reported by the University of…

New Research May Produce Non-Hormonal Male Contraceptive

Research fromthe University of Newcastle and the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) may help create non-hormonal male contraceptives and offer insights into fertility and overall health. HMRI researcher and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Newcastle University, David Skerrett-Byrne PhD, has, for the first time, profiled 6000 sperm proteins. Skerrett-Byrne said in an HMRI news release that he…

Woman Who Lost Her Periods for Years Due to Disordered Eating Starts Family by Eating ‘Real Food’

An Illinois woman lost her menstrual periods after years of disordered eating and over-exercise. Hoping to get pregnant and start a family in a natural, healthy way, she and her husband embarked on a radical diet overhaul—and in doing so, they changed their bodies, lives, and future. Joelle Kurczodyna, 35, lives with her husband Jim, 36, and their three…

Premature Ovarian Failure May Lead to Infertility

Premature ovarian failure is one of the common gynecological diseases, and the number of cases reported per year is increasing. There is also the tendency of it being seen as occurring at an ever-younger age. For young women, it not only affects fertility but also has a significant impact on physical and mental health. He…

Chinese Women Look Abroad for Sperm Donors Amid China’s Shortage

Now that Beijing allows couples to have more than one child, the shortage of sperm donors is highlighting the need for more sperm donors amid a fertility crisis and short supply of sperm in China. In 2015, Shanghai-based Xinmin Evening News reported that local couples may have to wait two to three years for donor sperm….