Category: illegal crossings

Chinese Dissident Warns a 2nd Pearl Harbor Attack If The U.S. Ignores CCP Threat | The Larry Elder Show | EP. 131

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated the United States to an alarming degree, not just to steal economic and military secrets, but also to censor academia and bribe politicians, according to Chen Guangcheng, the blind human rights lawyer who escaped communist China and spoke at the 2020 GOP convention. Joining Larry Elder, Mr. Chen…

PREMIERING 3 PM ET: Chinese Dissident Warns a 2nd Pearl Harbor Attack If The U.S. Ignores CCP Threat | The Larry Elder Show | EP. 131

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated the United States to an alarming degree, not just to steal economic and military secrets, but also to censor academia and bribe politicians, according to Chen Guangcheng, the blind human rights lawyer who escaped communist China and spoke at the 2020 GOP convention. Joining Larry Elder, Mr. Chen…

Capitol Report (May 13): Musk’s Twitter Deal on Hold; Poll: Majority Say Inflation ‘Big Problem’

According to a new poll, the majority of Americans are feeling the pain of inflation. Spiking prices are forcing many Americans to change the way they spend. Most Americans are paying more for everything, from airfare to eggs, than ever before. Is there a policy fix this, and what, if anything, is being done to…

Texas Border Agents Discover 40 Illegal Immigrants Packed Inside Metal Box

Agents from the Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol in Texas recently disrupted multiple human smuggling events, including one in which several migrants were transported in a metal box. On April 26, the Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint agents inspected a truck pulling a flatbed trailer carrying several large metal boxes. On one of the boxes,…

‘Full Blown Border Crisis’: Illegal Crossings Hit 20-Year High Despite Hot Weather

The number of illegal immigrants apprehended after crossing into the United States from Mexico soared above 200,000 in July, the exact opposite of the usual seasonal trend, according to preliminary numbers from U.S. authorities. Border Patrol agents encountered 205,029 illegal aliens in July, according to the preliminary figures, which were released by Rep. Chip Roy…