Category: Health and Wellness

2 States Propose Ban on 5 Toxic Additives in Food and Candy

California and New York lawmakers have proposed bills to ban five toxic chemical food additives linked to cancer and behavioral and developmental issues in children. Jesse Gabriel (D-Woodland Hills), and Buffy Wicks (D-Sacramento), both members of the California Assembly, proposed Assembly Bill AB 418 in February. The bill is co-sponsored by Consumer Reports and the Environmental Working Group (EWG)….

[SUNDAY WATCH PARTY]’The Medical Profession Has Been Destroyed’: Dr. Richard Amerling on Following the ‘Guidelines,’ Research Malpractice, and the Medical School Paradigm

Join us for our ATL Sunday Watch Party! During the Watch Party this Sunday at 7:30pm ET, everyone can watch part one of our episode with Dr. Richard Amerling for FREE—even without a subscription. Feel free to share this link with your friends and family! This episode was originally published in Oct 27, 2022. “We’ve…

[SUNDAY WATCH PARTY] ‘The Medical Profession Has Been Destroyed’: Dr. Richard Amerling on Following the ‘Guidelines,’ Research Malpractice, and the Medical School Paradigm

Join us for our ATL Sunday Watch Party! During the Watch Party this Sunday at 7:30pm ET, everyone can watch part one of our episode with Dr. Richard Amerling for FREE—even without a subscription. Feel free to share this link with your friends and family! This episode was originally published in Oct 27, 2022. “We’ve…

St. John’s Wort: A Nonaddictive Wonder ‘Antidepressant’ With Fewer Side Effects

St. John’s wort begins to bloom around St. John’s Day on June 24, St. John the Baptist’s birthday, until August—hence its name. There is a myth that St. John’s wort sprouted at the site of the beheading of John the Baptist. It was believed that the plant’s healing and protective properties were so profound that the devil perforated its…

Why Butter Is Better

In the early 1900s, Americans consumed about 18 pounds of butter per person per year—and that doesn’t include the butterfat they got from whole milk, cream, and cheese. Today that number stands at about five pounds, a slight increase over the last few years from a low of four pounds per person per year. What…

Salt–An Essential Dietary Nutrient

Everyone likes to talk about the good ol’ days, and in food circles, we hark back to ancestral diets that were more natural and more nutritious. However, in one respect, modern people enjoy a huge advantage over their ancestors: Everybody in the world today has access to plentiful, inexpensive salt. An interesting article on the…

Want to Burn Belly Fat? Try This Kind of Food

Losing weight is not easy, and losing belly fat is even harder. Is there a simple and effective way to lose that stubborn fat? The answer is yes. Just adding a certain amount of soluble fiber to your food can help melt belly fat away. Two Kinds of Plant Fibers There are two types of…

Want to Burn Belly Fat? Eat More Fiber

Losing weight is not easy, and losing belly fat is even harder. Is there a simple and effective way to lose that stubborn fat? The answer is yes. Just adding a certain amount of soluble fiber to your food can help melt belly fat away. Two Kinds of Plant Fibers There are two types of…

Can a Salt Inhaler Help Your Asthma?

Asthma affects over 25 million people in the U.S., and the numbers are rising every year. Although there is no known cure for asthma, and the condition is normally managed long-term with prescription medications, there are some simple diet and lifestyle steps, like identifying possible “trigger allergens” and getting adequate omega-3 fatty acids, that may help reduce…

Many Diseases Might Be Caused by Mitochondrial Dysfunction, 4 Ways to Prevent

The impact of mitochondria on health has received increasing attention in recent years. Mitochondria affect the quality of life and the rate of aging; hence, protecting mitochondria can prevent aging and chronic diseases, and even fight cancer. According to a paper in the journal Molecular Basis of Disease, metabolic abnormalities are prevalent in many chronic…