Category: Gov. Glenn Youngkin

New Virginia Law Is a Victory for Religious Liberty, Supporters Say

A new bill recently signed into law in Virginia will prevent the infringement of religious freedom, like the closure of churches during the COVID lockdowns, from happening again, by tethering places of worship to other “essential businesses.” Under the new law, if businesses like Costco and Target are allowed to remain open, so will places…

Ford–China Battery Plant Agreement Would Have Been a ‘Trojan Horse’: Gov. Youngkin

Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin called the recently rejected Ford Motor plant deal a “Trojan horse” because the agreement would have potentially allowed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to have full access to the technology via Ford’s Chinese partner, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL). Last week, Youngkin blocked the Ford Motor Company’s request to build a…

Virginia’s Youngkin Campaigns to Reelect Kemp in Georgia

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, joining his Georgia counterpart and fellow Republican Brian Kemp at a campaign rally outside Atlanta on Sept. 26, reminded the crowd that the Georgia election revolves around the same issues that drove his own upset victory last year. But the two states’ respective experiences going into last year were very different,…

‘We Still Have an Uphill Battle’ to Return Parents Their Rights: Virginia Beach School Board Member

Despite Virginia’s new policy that now requires parental consent for gender affirmation by schools, and bathroom and locker rooms assigned by biological gender, a school board member says there is still a long way to go to give parents back their full rights. Victoria Manning, a Virginia Beach school board member, is urging people to…