Category: Georgia Senate Race

DOJ to Monitor Voting in Georgia During Runoff Election

As Georgians head to the polls again on Dec. 6 to decide who will claim the last U.S. Senate seat, the Justice Department (DOJ) will be monitoring the polls in four counties for compliance with federal voting laws. “For this election, the Civil Rights Division will monitor for compliance with the federal voting rights laws…

Georgia Senate Race a Toss-Up Despite Warnock’s Outspending Walker

The Georgia Senate race is a critical one the nation will watch closely on Tuesday night. Incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock has spent $90 million or more this election cycle, much of it in ads attacking Republican Herschel Walker. Still, he hasn’t managed to lift his own numbers over 50 percent. Some late polls have even…

Walker and Sen. Warnock Bicker Over Terms of Debate in Georgia

Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd on Sept. 8, Republican challenger Herschel Walker needled his opponent, the incumbent Democratic Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, about what Walker framed as Warnock’s unwillingness to debate him. “The . . . big contrast between the two of us, and … You may not have heard this. The man is scared…

Endorsed By Trump, Walker Shows He Runs His Own Game in Georgia Senate Race

He’s not very polished, but Herschel Walker speaks to a crowd with a lot of conviction and drive. He takes the positions you expect a Republican to take, but finds the roots and reasons in his own life story. He talks about growing up poor in Wrightsville, Georgia. He talks about picking peas and cotton,…

Politicos Spin Close Warnock-Walker Georgia Senate Race

It’s still early in the general election campaign, deep in the summer, when people aren’t too concerned about who should fill Georgia’s Senate seat. Should it be the incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock, in the position just a year and a half following a controversial runoff election on Jan. 5, 2021? Or should it be Trump-endorsed…

School Choice Looms as Electoral Stealth Issue

Conservatives gathered at the pro-Trump America First Policy Summit in Washington this week talked about numerous issues like soaring crime, the ailing economy, and tensions abroad. One topic, though, emerged as a stealth issue and potentially significant factor in the upcoming elections: school choice. The policy seeks to give parents who want to take their children…

Former NFL Player Herschel Walker Runs for US Senate Seat in Georgia

Herschel Walker, the former football star who has the backing of former President Donald Trump, launched a campaign Tuesday for a U.S. Senate seat in Georgia. Walker will be the most well-known Republican running against Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) in next year’s contest. Walker filed paperwork Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission establishing his candidacy…

AP Calls Winner of Georgia Senate Races for Democrats Warnock and Ossoff

The Associated Press Wednesday called a win for both Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the two Georgia Senate runoffs. Both Warnock and Ossoff have taken to Twitter to thank Georgians for their votes. Warnock also said in a speech on Wednesday, “To our supporters, our incredible campaign team, and to my family—thank…

Ted Cruz: ‘Best Answer’ to Voter Fraud Is to Win Georgia Runoffs by a Large Margin

Speaking to a crowd in Georgia Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Sunday that winning the senate runoffs will come down to each Republican voter bring those they know out to vote on Jan. 5. “So, voter fraud is a real and persistent problem, but what I just told this crowd, and what I think is…