Category: freezer

Employee Found in Freezer of Louisiana Fast Food Outlet; Police Calling It ‘Suspicious’

NEW IBERIA, La.—Police in Louisiana are investigating the death of a fast-food restaurant employee whose body was found in the restaurant’s freezer. Police in New Iberia told local news outlets the body was found around 6:30 p.m. Thursday at an Arby’s restaurant. A police sergeant said the death was considered “suspicious.” But authorities provided no…

Fisherman Survives 11 Days Adrift in Freezer

A Brazilian fisherman who survived adrift by floating inside a freezer for 11 days has spoken about his experience. “I couldn’t take it anymore. One more day and I would die inside that freezer,” Romualdo Macedo Rodrigues told Record TV before leaving Suriname, where he was rescued. Rodrigues left the Brazilian city of Oiapoque, in…

Can Lunch Meat Be Frozen?

If you’re like us, you’ve experienced the routine of buying a package of lunch meat just to throw away half of it a week later. It’s hard to finish that pound of ham without putting about five slices of cold cuts on your sandwich. But did you know that lunch meat can be stored in…

COVID-19 Outbreak in Beijing Raises Fear of Lockdown

A COVID-19 outbreak is rapidly spreading in Beijing, causing schools to be shut down in an entire district. Amongst the fear of a city-wide lockdown, residents rush to stock up on food and supplies, and freezers are sold out. On April 28, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention,…

The Best Way to Defrost Meat

The freezer is one of the best ways to make your food last longer, especially when it comes to meat. When the time comes to cook that meat, however, it’s important to know the safest and most effective way to defrost it. And there’s a good chance you’ve been doing it wrong. The best method for defrosting any…

Woman Found Dead in Freezer Was Ex-LA Sheriff’s Detective

LOS ANGELES—An 87-year-old woman found dead inside a freezer in the garage of her Southern California home was a retired homicide detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, authorities said Tuesday. Miriam E. Travis retired as a detective sergeant in 1990 after 27 years with the department, including 11 in the Homicide Bureau. “Our…