Category: emotions

Powerful Ideas to Shift Your Self Belief

Having worked closely with many people as they go through transformative journeys, I’ve come to recognize a handful of mindset shifts that make an incredible difference. Those who’ve worked to adopt these mindsets have had remarkable transformations. I’m going to share them here with you in hopes that they might inspire your own transformation. If you…

Grief and the Power of Letting Go

No one on earth escapes grief. It’s woven into our human experience and something we will all inevitably endure many times throughout our lives. Heartbreak, the loss of someone we love, lost opportunities, disappointments, and hardships are unavoidable—and life doesn’t care who you are, what you believe, or where you come from; grief happens to…

Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

Meditation can be a safe and effective way to help us control our emotions, alleviate our mood disorders, and improve our emotional intelligence (EI). Hu Naiwen is an internationally renowned traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Now in his mid-70s, he is still seeing patients. He used to be quick-tempered and very impatient when speaking with his…

Having Chest Pain? It May Not Be Caused by Heart Disease

Chest pain is one of the most frequent causes of emergency department (ED) visits in high-income countries. It is responsible for more than 8 million visits to EDs in the United States each year, making it the second most frequent cause of emergency visits after stomach and abdominal pain. Chest pain can stem from a heart…

Study: Emotional Stimuli ‘Color’ Different Regions of the Body

What do lukewarm garbage juice, an intimate hug from a close friend, and the sight of a two-year-old child breathing their last breath on a hospital bed have in common? Essentially nothing, except for the fact that they all trigger emotions. Emotions are argued by many to be at the core of the human experience,…

Master Your Emotions

Many people sail on a pretty even keel when it comes to their emotions. They can become sad without collapsing in sobs or angry without giving way to rage and hysteria. Pardon the mixed metaphors of seamanship and masonry, but put a bricklayer’s level on these folks and you’d find them plumb, with that bubble…

60-80% of Diseases Are Related to This, and Your Personality Type Shows It

We are exposed to more and more toxins in our daily lives. In addition to physical toxins (e.g. radiation), chemical toxins (e.g. plasticizers, pesticides and benzene) and biological toxins (e.g. viruses and bacteria), there is another type of toxin, namely, emotional toxins. Emotional toxins can be even more harmful than physical or biochemical toxins, because…

Scientists Photographed What Different ‘Emotions’ Alone Look Like

The human body can emit a glow that is invisible to the naked eye. When you touch your sweetheart’s fingers, the glow from all fingertips of both of you will create a splendid connection resembling lightning. When you say “I love you” to your intimate partner, a mass of material energy is released from your…

Manage Emotions Through Savoring Life

Allyson Pimentel in a recent meditation podcast reminds us to savour life and the opportunities it presents to experience positive emotions such as joy, appreciation and love. Allyson describes “savoring” as a form of mindfulness with a specific focus and purpose—in savoring we pay attention to the things that we enjoy and relish, lingering on the positive…

How Feelings Shift Our Physiology

Have you ever been embarrassed and your cheeks turn red? When you went on your first date, did your hands get sweaty? Or maybe you gave a presentation at work and were so nervous that your stomach hurt, your heart was racing, or your mouth became dry. These are familiar examples of how your thoughts—and…