Category: education system

‘Shift Power Back to Parents’: New Jersey Rally Focusses on Education, Parental Rights

The Parental Rights and Education Freedom Rally occurred at the State House Annex in Trenton, New Jersey, on Monday. The event brought together concerned individuals, parents, elected officials, and representatives from various organizations, all united in their efforts to address crucial challenges and advocate for parental rights. The rally featured 15 represented organizations and attracted…

Parents Want a Complete Overhaul of the Education System

Commentary In the wake of COVID-19, people now overwhelmingly believe that the education system’s broader purpose needs to be rethought. This begins with a shift away from standardized testing, college prep, and a one-size-fits-all model and toward personalized curricula, practical skills, and subject mastery. A new Purpose of Education Index survey released by the Massachusetts-based…

Capitol Report (Oct. 3): Florida Lawmakers Reject Bill With Disaster Relief; If Russia Escalates War, What Will Biden Do Next?

The death toll from Hurricane Ian grows as teams carry out or continue their rescue missions. Florida lawmakers emerge with criticism over the federal government’s use of funds, saying more is spent on unrelated items than on hurricane disaster relief. South Carolina is also recovering from the destruction of Hurricane Ian. Congressman Ralph Norman explains…

Marxism in Schools

James Lindsay is an expert in cultural Marxism and how it has made its way into America. His message has resonated with mothers across the country, especially Hispanic mothers, like Catalina Stubbe, who are very concerned about the American education system. I spoke with both about this very concerning subject. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, ​Parler, Gab,…

John Cleese: Comedy and Creativity

I had the opportunity to interview comedic legend John Cleese, known for “Monty Python,” “A Fish Called Wanda,” and many others. Cleese talked about creativity, the creative process, and how many interruptions, as well as the education system itself, have stifled creativity, especially in our youngest generation. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, ​Parler, Gab, and Twitter *…

Grooming Your Children

“Grooming” is a term used to refer to how adults psychologically create emotional bonds with children to lower inhibitions. This term has been used lately in reference to the education system and introducing certain sex and gender concepts to children at early ages, but it seems grooming may be a far broader strategy to get…

Why California’s Public Schools Are Losing Students | Stefan Bean

Did you know public schools in California are experiencing a decrease in enrollment? My guest is Stefan Bean, superintendent at Aspire Public Schools in Los Angeles. He discusses why he thinks there’s a decline in public school enrollment and what needs to happen to provide students with the best environment for growth.   Follow Epoch…

Independent Schools Have an Advantage in Forming Good Citizens

Commentary What makes a good citizen? Or, to put it differently, how are good citizens formed? This at the heart of both our democracy and the original purpose of our education system. In light of Canada Day celebrations and recent calls to reflect on Canada’s past injustices, such questions deserve reflection. How do we educate…

Let’s Focus on Classrooms, Not Consultants

Commentary The COVID-19 pandemic is nearly behind us, and it’s about time, too. Hopefully when the school year begins in September, all K-12 students will be back in school on a full-time basis. There are a lot of things that we don’t need to see again. Mandatory masks, remote learning, hybrid classrooms, and “quadmester” timetables…

Cancel Culture Is Part of Plot to Transform the Culture of America—Interview With Gene D’Agostino

There are groups in the United States trying to remake the education system. As part of this, they’re targeting race and gender narratives and targeting even children’s books and cartoon characters to be canceled. To learn more about this and where this trend is heading, we sat down for an interview with Gene D’Agostino, producer…