Category: declassify

Biden’s DOJ Finally Discloses Russiagate Binder After Court Orders Release—It’s Not What We Expected | Truth Over News

Last week, we finally received the first part of the Russiagate binder of documents that President Donald Trump had declassified before he left office. Incredibly, the documents in the 343-page release by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) had already been released earlier during Trump’s presidency. Despite promises to the contrary, lawsuits, and a…

China in Focus (April 28): US Commanders: Declassify China Files

Nine out of the eleven top U.S. commanders plead to declassify more documents. This rare move seeks to confront threats from China and Russia. Australia will spend $580 million to upgrade its military. Four northern military bases will be renovated. China’s ambitions expand into space. The Chinese regime is planning to build a permanent space…

Trump Should Declassify How the Chinese Communist Party Interfered in Our Election

Politicians tackle debts and deficits, politicians deal with planning and zoning, politicians struggle with their civil service. Statesmen, or stateswomen, however, are the politicians who take hold, grasp and define the seminal moments of our times. They map out the course of history through surgical words and key actions. These words and actions stand to…