Category: China and Russia

US Needs to Step Up Efforts in Arctic as China, Russia Eye Alliance in Region: Experts

Experts say China’s communist regime is positioning itself to exert influence above the Arctic Circle through an alliance with Russia. They warn that the United States must take steps to protect its interests before it’s too late. “America cannot afford to fall behind,” said Luke Coffey, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute. Mr. Coffey…

Senate Armed Services Committee’s Hearing on the Role of Special Forces in Competing With China and Russia

U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee holds a hearing on the role of special operations forces in supporting the national defense strategy, including activities that contribute to long-term strategic competition with China and Russia, at 9:30 a.m. ET on May 17. Dr. Jonathan Schroden, research program director, Countering Threats and Challenges, Center for Naval Analyses; and…

LIVE NOW: Senate Armed Services Committee’s Hearing on the Role of Special Forces in Competing With China and Russia

U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee holds a hearing on the role of special operations forces in supporting the national defense strategy, including activities that contribute to long-term strategic competition with China and Russia, at 9:30 a.m. ET on May 17. Dr. Jonathan Schroden, research program director, Countering Threats and Challenges, Center for Naval Analyses; and…

UK Parliamentary Committee Warned of Dangers of the ‘Chinese Agenda’ in the Arctic

A parliamentary committee in London has heard of a growing interest in the Arctic by the Chinese regime and the danger posed in the region by its strategic alliance with Russia. On Wednesday the House of Lords’ international relations and defence committee heard from three experts about the threat in the Arctic Circle posed by…

China’s ‘Peace Plan’ for Ukraine Could Pave the Way for Russian Aggression

Commentary Nature, according to Aristotle, abhors a vacuum. The old Stagirite, writing in his “Physics,” was thinking about how the physical universe operates. But a cognate idea can be found in many who later noticed that what we might call political and social reality operates according to a similar economy. Readers of Rabelais’s “Gargantua and…

Different Tones of CCP Internal and External Propaganda

After the U.S. government issued a stern warning about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) role in the Russia-Ukraine war, the CCP criticized NATO in its domestic propaganda for using Ukraine to fight a proxy war. However, its stance internationally was ambiguous. The CCP adopts different propaganda strategies and focuses when targeting different audiences. The day…

Iran, China, Russia Cement Anti-US Axis Against Democracy

Commentary A new axis of cooperation that includes Iran, Russia, and China is becoming more formalized and overt. The three nations are banding together to counter American power as the world’s eyes are glued on Ukraine. The Islamic Republic joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), of which Russia and China were founding members, in September….

Brandon Weichert: The Deadly Consequences of the US Falling Behind in Space

The next mission. Space normalization. Something we should get used to saying. But that is not the case. At least in the eyes of Mr. Brandon Weichert. He has been warning about the danger the United States is facing in the new domain. As America’s biggest enemies have been making careful moves to overcome the…

NATO Got It Wrong: China is a Bigger Threat Than Russia

Commentary NATO finally addressed China in a half-serious way. The U.S.-led alliance system described the country as a “challenge” in a communiqué. But NATO continues to plod along, way behind the curve. While NATO rightly recognizes Russia as an aggressive threat (the country did invade Ukraine in 2014, and is still there), history’s most powerful…