Category: Canada Pension Plan

Canada Pension Plan Acknowledges Risk of ‘Dual Use’ Technology in China’s Tencent, but Maintains Investment

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) says it is monitoring China’s Tencent, in which the board has invested over $1 billion, for possible use of “dual use” technologies.  Security experts have warned that Tencent’s social media app, WeChat, widely used in China and by diaspora, is under surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party. Michel…

Smith Says Sovereignty Act, RCMP Replacement and Pension Plan Not in UCP Campaign

United Conservative Leader Danielle Smith says she won’t be campaigning on some of her party’s more contentious ideas—sovereignty legislation, a provincial police force and an Alberta pension plan—ahead of the May 29 election. Smith was interviewed on Global’s morning show in Calgary on Friday and fielded a variety of questions on revitalizing the city’s downtown,…

Over Half of Canadians Say They Don’t Have Enough Money to Save for Retirement: Poll

More than half of Canadians indicate they are behind on retirement savings, according to a recent survey commissioned by tax preparation firm H&R Block Canada. The survey, published on April 3, found that 52 percent of Canadians are unprepared for retirement as they don’t feel they have enough money left at the end of the…

Canadian Pension Plan Could Be Fuelling China’s Human Rights Abuse: Report

Canadians may be passively funding human rights abuses in China, as a new report alleged that at least three federal and six provincial pension funds are investing in 12 Chinese companies involved in forced labour and internment programs for Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Canadian pension holders are exposed to companies complicit in crimes against humanity through…

‘Uncharted Waters’: Canada Pension Plan’s 75-Year Sustainability Forecast

Projections that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is sustainably funded for 75 years may seem reasonable, analysts say, but they warn that variables could mean changes in the plan’s future operations. The CPP Investment Board (CCPIB) says the CPP will be sustainable over that period based on the most recent triennial report by Canada’s chief…

86 Percent of Middle-Class Families Face Higher Income Taxes Under Liberal Government: Report

A vast majority of middle-income families are paying higher personal income taxes due to tax changes made by the Liberal government, a new study by the Fraser Institute finds. The study, which focuses on couples or single parents with children under the age of 18, finds that 86 percent of families with combined incomes between…

Canada-US Relationship Has Never Been ‘So Weak’: O’Toole

Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole says the Canada-U.S. relationship hasn’t been at such a low point in decades, saying it jeopardizes the Canadian economy and several of its key sectors. In an interview with The Epoch Times, O’Toole said Canada’s influence as a strategic trading partner has been weakened with its southern neighbour, putting the…

CPP and EI Payroll Tax Increases Put Needs of the State Before Those of the People

Commentary Happy New Tax Increase. The planned hike in Canada Pension Plan and employment insurance premiums has not merely gone ahead, it has gone up, because the toil of citizens is insufficient to satisfy the needs of the state. Something is upside down here. In my 2016 documentary “True, Strong and Free” on fixing the…

Planned Increase in CPP Premiums on Jan. 1 to Hit Some Workers More Due to Pandemic

OTTAWA—Come Jan. 1, Canada Pension Plan contributions are going up again, although higher than originally planned. The reason is largely because of the pandemic’s effect on the labour market, which has some groups noting the impact will be felt by some workers more than others. Here’s a rundown of what’s happening, and how long the…