Category: Biden Putin summit

Sino-Russia Conference Extends Traitorous Treaties as Xi Kowtows to Putin for Better Relations

The leaders of China and Russia, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, announced an extension of the 2001 Sino‑Russian Treaty of Friendship for another five years during a virtual conference held on June 28. Prior to this meeting, the United States and Russia met for a summit in mid-June. Some commentators believe that the Chinese Communist…

Kash’s Corner: How Biden’s ‘Off-Limits’ List for Russian Cyberattacks Will Backfire

“If they weren’t attacking them before, they’re sure going to be attacking them now.” It was a mistake for President Joe Biden to give Vladimir Putin a list of critical infrastructure that must be off-limits to Russian cyberattacks, says Kash Patel. In this episode of Kash’s Corner, we look at the recent Biden–Putin summit, threats…

Russia Plays Down Strategic Ties With CCP

News Analysis President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin met at the Geneva summit on June 16. In response, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has issued a series of articles, stressing that China and Russia have a strong and solid relationship. Russia’s narrative, however, seems to be different from that of the CCP. It…

Trump Says Biden-Putin Summit ‘Good Day for Russia’ While the US ‘Got Nothing’

Former President Donald Trump gave a critical take on Wednesday’s U.S.-Russia summit in Switzerland, arguing that Washington “got nothing” in return for boosting Moscow’s profile on the international stage. “We gave a very big stage to Russia, and we got nothing,” Trump told Fox News’ Hannity in an interview. “I think it was a good…