Tag: The Late Night Show

Woke Late-Night TV Shows Shut Down

Screenwriters for TV and film have begun to strike as their contracts ended. The strike will affect the late-night four: Fallon, Kimmel, Colbert, and Myers. Other shows that will have to halt production are “Real Time” with Bill Maher, “Last Week Tonight” with John Oliver, and the weekend favorite “Saturday Night Live.” These shows could…

Kimmel Down the Drain

Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel admitted in a recent podcast that he has lost half his fans, maybe more, from bashing President Donald Trump, even when ABC advised against him doing it. But Kimmel’s fierce leftism, just like his other late-night colleagues, is a crusade for which he is unwilling to yield. – BUY…

How Late Night Talk Show Hosts Are Whiter Than CPAC | Larry Elder

After former President Donald Trump spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the Tonight Show’s Jimmy Fallon made a joke claiming everyone in attendance was white. Well, last time we checked, every late-night comedy in America is whiter than CPAC. From certain government officials, that would classify as systemic racism. In this episode, Larry…