Tag: social justice

72 Percent of Top US Medical Schools Using Identity, Racial Politics in Admissions Process: Report

The majority of America’s top-ranked medical schools are injecting racial politics into the admissions process, according to a review conducted by the medical advocacy group Do No Harm. The review (pdf), published in August, found that 72 percent of the nation’s top 50 schools and 80 percent of the top 10 schools ask probing questions to determine applicants’…

Skyrocketing ‘Woke’ Rhetoric in British Newspapers Has ‘Utterly Transformed’ Media: Study

The media landscape of Britain has been completely transformed by the wholesale import of USA-style identity politics and social justice rhetoric, according to a new report. Data released in a new report on Aug. 2 by the British academic and pollster Matt Goodwin has revealed that “social justice” terms associated with critical theorists have exploded in UK…

‘N-word’ on French CBC: Trudeau Says Balance Needed Between Freedom of Expression and Avoiding Perpetuating ‘Crimes’

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waded into the freedom of expression debate on Wednesday as he addressed Radio-Canada’s decision to appeal a CRTC ruling requiring it to apologize publicly for saying the “N-word” in a radio program. “It’s extremely important to underline that defending freedom of expression, defending journalistic independence and integrity, is always going to…

Religious Fervor Among the Woke

Commentary The woke have not only adopted the ideology of “social justice” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), and assertions such as “diversity is our strength” (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau), but adhere to these ideas not so much as preferred guidelines or scientific hypotheses, but as religious truths not to be questioned. Any misguided or…

New Bill Would Require Federal Reserve to Prioritize ‘Racial and Economic Justice’

The House of Representatives approved a bill on June 15 that would require the Federal Reserve to address social justice concerns, expanding the scope of the central bank’s mandate beyond its traditional priorities of price stability and economic well-being. The House voted in favor of H.R. 2543, the Racial and Economic Equity Act, which would…

Herbert Marcuse Versus the Radical Youth

The following story is adapted from Bauerlein’s recent book, “The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults.” Back in April 1969, a surprisingly conservative thing happened at the ultra-progressive campus of SUNY–Old Westbury when radical theorist Herbert Marcuse visited to give a lecture to the students. Michael Novak describes the episode in…

The Age of the Absurd

Commentary The West has gone through many eras—the so-called Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Age and the Post-Modern. The present era is the Age of the Absurd. In terms of the absurdities the cultural elites believe, and have convinced masses of people to believe, there has never been…

Social Justice | Building on the American Heritage Series

This film is only available in the US because of territorial licensing. For centuries, issues of social justice have primarily belonged to the church. But in recent years, these issues have made their way into the political arena. * Click the “Save” button below the video to access it later on “My List“. – Feature…

Biden Admin Quietly Pushing Anti-Charter Policies, School Choice Advocates Warn

Amid nationwide calls for giving parents more choice in their children’s education, the Biden administration has quietly proposed changes that critics say will make it harder for new public charter schools to open and for existing ones to survive. On March 14, the U.S. Department of Education released a 14-page regulatory proposal regarding the priorities,…

Judge Jackson Would Be a Social Justice Not a Constitutional Justice

Commentary We live in an era where notions of social justice dominate American life. For decades, from college enrollment to wokeism, America has moved from the country of opportunity and merit to overriding concerns of fairness and rectification of the past. The Supreme Court nominees of the left are a prime example of that shift,…